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'Hello Sweetheart, how are you? Ring me when you get this.' 

He would listen to the voice messages you left every night before he went to sleep, he was so scared he would forget your voice, so he made sure he could still hear you before he went to sleep, it made him feel like you were still with him. 

However you died way before the outbreak, so all he had was your voice on his phone leaving small messages, which luckily was always something you did because Negan never seemed to pick up the phone. 

'Hey babe? Could you pick up some milk on the way home from school, hope the kids haven't been troubling you too much. I know how the girls are at that place.' You giggle softly through the message. 

A tear rolls down his cheek as he wipes his hand across his mouth, sighing deeply, "Oh Y/N..."

He clicked onto the next one. 

'Negan honey! I'm a little drunk, but I just wanted to say..." You hiccuped, "I... Love you Negan, and I wan't you to always remember that I love you!"

"I love you too doll..." He murmured to himself, glancing to the phone, clicking the last one.

"Goodnight honey, I love you, don't forget to charge your phone so you can talk to me in the morning, I hope the school trip is good, I'm glad you got there safe. Ring me soon, I love you honey. Goodnight." 

"Goodnight..." He murmured, before looking at the screen, noticing the '1%' in the top right. It was probably going to be the last time ever he would be able to hear your voice, and that scared him.

He was scared he would forget the most important thing to him.

Hearing your voice. 

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