Impressed and stares.

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(Please note that everything I write is just fiction,names of people,and stuffs you know. None of them exist like I put them. Thanks.)

Chapter dedication to  @ Bernianica.


Hopefully after I finish dressing up ready to leave for school,Williams is just in his room which was exactly what I want every morning. Well,I'm pretty nervous for a first day schooler and just like i expect, people will get to notice me because of my scholarship.

I rush back to my room to grab my phone before looking into the mirror with that same bright baby blue eyed girl staring back at me. Today,my French bun is amazing as compared to the ones I always manage all because,Ky taught me how to fix a beautiful bun for which I'm grateful for. My light blue large sized sweater that reachd the tip of my fingers matched my eyes pretty well and once again,my profound gratitude goes to Ky for giving me lots of these comfy clothes and shoes plus lots of accessories. She's awesome. The black skinny jeans fit the sweater plus my new pair of converse,with Granny's pendant,I'm good to go. No makeup whatsoever.

I grab my satchel and hurry out of the room without bothering to eat anything even though he doesn't mind if I do eat anything belonging to him. I know I'm hungry because the last time I ate was before I left Helda's place to this place. Thankfully,Ky,sure left some pretzels in my bag,God,I love this girl. I tear the wrapper and finish it off as I hurry towards school which is only five minutes away which will take me like ten minutes to get there by foot.


A big brick building stands in front of me with many storeys,flags and a good grassy area around it. Dream Makers College. It was bold enough to make the look on my face change into a smirk,its time to make my dream come true,just like it states. This is just the perfect place for me but I honestly doubt if my type of people are ever welcomed here.

Talking about my type of people,I mean,those who wear completely borrowed clothes or even hand downs from a friend,has to sell her little house to afford her Granny's hospital bills and rent for a shared apartment.

If you want the things you look at to change,you have to change the way you look at things and that's what I'm doing right now. If I keep looking at my life like a low life,I'd live like that forever. But if I want things to change,I'd have to start seeing things from a different perspective,which is trying something new.

In the left side of the school is a very large car park  housing hundreds of sleek,new Porsche cars just like Williams' Jeep wrangler. Extremely large plain windows blind the front of the classes to give it a more environmentally friendly look.

Quite a handful of students litter the compound and I walk into the large compounds,aiming towards the secretary's office to fill the rest of my paper work.

Undoubtedly,lots of people glare daggers at me as i walk towards a room with "secretary" written on a bright gold plate drilled into the wooden door.

Tears sting the back of my eyes as I'm reminded again that this place isn't where I deserve to be. Nor for any of my type of people. The way everyone is staring at me is like they want to ask if I'm sure I'm in the right place. This is when I need Ky to tell me to be confident in my endeavors even if not for anything,the fact that I'm an exceptionally bright student should motivate me enough.

I knock and just immediately,the door opens to reveal a very elegant woman in probably her mid thirties wearing a spotless white shirt over a very tight above knee length blue black pencil skirt. A broad smile showing her clean white teeth and her dimples as well. She's gorgeous. Her eyebrows are neatly plucked and a light makeup highlighting the fact that she looks like a nice person.

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