she missed so much fun.. dang

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Chapter dedicated to my beautiful friend, Joana Ewurabena June Dedokwor. That's for pushing me to write ok..and your nice comment and voting too. Ilu 😍

Roman Reigns above..he's my favorite wrestler you know..:-)

Jessie J - Flashlight ^_^


"Drinks?", I ask the douchebag of a brother I have because he sure can be forgetful at times.

I slap myself for the umpteenth time in frustration because this is the first time I'm throwing a party on my own because usually,the party is in Greg's house. He has the best school parties EVER. I mean ever.

But now, because of my roomie,I'm bringing the party to my hall. I hope it goes well. I'm really going crazy now. Don't let it get to you,I don't like her in any form,I just want to discover her. Know more. Simple.

"Check.",he yells at the other end of the phone and I chuckle away my worries.

I check my time and its only two hours left for school to close. I've got Greg to send the invitations.

"Then hurry and get here.",I growl at him before throwing the cell across the couch that has been pushed back to the wall to make more space.

"We're done, sir ", the ginger head girl who heads the cleaning agency who came to clean and arrange the apartment for the party mutters before smiling shyly at me.

I'm used to getting this shy smiles from ladies but it doesn't count like dad is going to say.

I push the signed cheque towards her as I take a bite of my apple. I love this already. It's gonna be great.

As soon as the cleaning crew leaves,I lie on the couch and turn on the TV to continue watching Thunderman. They've been Gaby's all time favorite so I end up watching every time with her.

"Yo bro..",Greg exclaims as he enters the room with lots of shopping bags in his hands. I smirk and hurry to help him bring in the stuffs.

"Mission accomplished!!",he yells while throwing his hands in the air before giving me a fist bump. The typical five year old.

I put the bags on the counter and flop on the couch again with the little boy following me with a box full of popcorn and a chilled carton of coconut milk. He doesn't think of anything apart from food.

"What the dickens are you watching?? When Roman Reigns is already beating up Braun Strowman ?? You're unbelievable.",he face palms himself as he snatches the remote from me spilling about half of the coconut milk on the floor.

My floors?? Sorry,man.

I punch him on the shoulder and he slides of the couch,falling on the two-seater. I hate filth, immediately they just cleaned??

He pulls my leg and I fall on the floor with him and he rolls on top of me,sitting on my tummy,which is obviously only muscles. Thanks for complimenting myself.

He leaves light punches on my chest and I struggle for dominance beneath him but dang, he's too strong. I grasp his collar hard and pushes him on the floor,leaving me lying flat on him now.

My eyes flies wide as soon as I spot my nerdy roommate standing at the door with her eyes as wide as mine. Her guess is pretty cool. My teeth are on Greg's ear and amazingly,I'm shirtless.

Nice way to impress a girl, Liam.

She hurried into the hall after I roll off him and pick my shirt from the couch,with embarrassment written all over my face which is now red.

Perfect, Liam.

She has a stack of books under her arm and her navy blue beanie rivaling her bright baby blue eyes. Her deep blue jacket covering he plain white shirt and a light faded tattered jeans.

Gosh! How does she manage to keep these old clothes and make it look heavenly on her..No face masks and runny mascaras. Her golden hair  shining brightly under the influence of the sun.

"It's not what you think,we're not...", Greg tries to explain but before the "gay" came out,she slammed her door.

Perfect,just perfect.

"I'm I the only one who thinks she looks smoking hot in those oldies?", Greg asks dreamily and I'm sure his assclownery is back in full swing.

I don't hesitate to slap the back of his head at all. 

He changes the channel do we can watch Smackdown. It's now on AJ Styles and Brock Lesnar. I've not really been a fan of wrestling but this jerk is going to make me one if he keep barging on me.

"Oww",he whined like a kid and I left the hall to find my party clothes and boy,I'm gonna impress one roommate of mine.

Two hours more to the start of the party till you drop. I decided to make the party start at seven for the early birds,you know.

Should I just say I'm starting this party at seven because I'm sure my roommate wouldn't like to stay up till late?

I pick a black button up shirt that is always so tight on me and to say,I liked the look on her face when she saw me bare chested so I'm gonna leave her much to see. Her expression was freaking priceless and I would pay much to see it again. So, teasing her with this is pretty cool.

I add a clean pair of faded denim jeans and my brand new pair of Nike sneakers.

This is absolutely perfect.

I smile to myself before going into the shower. I'm sure she's going to love this because, this is the best offer ever from a roommates.

A large smile is plastered on my face before I step under the shower. This is going to be amazing. I'm sure that douche it's probably gone to get ready.

I finished taking my bath after a good thirty minutes of enjoying the freezing cold water because it really helps me relax and relaxing is perfect for approaching my roommate.

I wear my basketball shorts with no shirt on so I could tell my roommate  there's a party tonight. I wonder how its going to be like after her seeing me in an awkward position with an assclownery I call a brother.

I knocked on her door whilst running a hand through my hair. This isn't gonna be easy hoping she replies. I hear her footsteps after about five knocks.

She's wearing a bright flowery dress which is a bit above her thighs. It's looks really good on her. Her gold hair is out of the beanie and is held in a high ponytail making her look pretty cute. Not cute per se but extremely ravishing.

Stop it,Liam. Control yourself.

"What do you want?", She breaks the silence between us as her eyes moves from my face to my chest and up to my face. Straight faced. Emotionless.

"I was wondering if you could show up at my party this evening. I mean,I want you to stay for a party. No i mean,I'm organizing a party,no I mean,my cousin and I planned...".

"I'm not coming. I have somewhere to go."

"But  it's Friday,the library is closed..", I whine with tears forming on my eyes. This is the worst disappoinment ever.

"I'm sorry, Williams,enjoy your party.", she says for the last time and walks past me before locking her door, leaving me speechless.

Where does she have to go? And Williams disappointment after all he went through to pull this party up. Our Mariya is such a game spoiler. Sorry Liam.

Please keep reading


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Oh yeah,and happy birthday to my dearest Bernianica..just know that I wish you all the best and I love you so much.

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