Dear douchebag.

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"You're the first to visit her in six years. Her aunt passed away and she hasn't had anyone here, even her friend but she sends in letters and random presents. I'm positive that seeing you will do her lots of good. This is her room, press the red button inside if you need any help."

"Thanks, Mrs Anderson.", I offer her a polite nod and a fake smile before watching her spin on her heels and walk down the empty corridors of the expensive hospital situated far away from town.

Standing in front of the richly polished oakwood door, I take in slow breaths and reach out my hand to touch the cold doorknob. My heartbeat accelerates twice as fast while I try to think of the exact reason I came to this cognitive hospital. I have to do to this, for my baby at least.

My mind is clouded with confusion as I stand in front of the door contemplating if I should back out or not. I've been looking forward to this moment all my life and I can't risk it. Granny should've known I wouldn't be able to do this.

I don't know how long I stand there but the clicking sound of door hinges startles me and the door opens in full swing, revealing a very unfamiliar face.

The person I've been longing to see all my life is standing in front of me and all I'm able to do is stare at her. Her gaze is fixed on me and we spend the whole day staring at each other.

Her long bright gold hair is swept back in French braids, showing off her simplicity and the beauty in her face. Dark chocolate orbs holding confusion and fear staring back at me and her lips apart for a slight second before her eyes widen and tears glisten her eyes.

"Louisa?", She asks in a very low voice and I try to hold back my tears as they begin to fill my eyes. My eyes fall in her hand holding the doorknob and I realise they're shaking slightly and a bit more abnormally.

A small smile crawls on my lips and I raise my eyebrows a bit higher and she nods her head before stepping aside to allow me to go in. I rest my hand on my bump and rub it in circles like I always do when I feel a bit nervous.

"Helena found you, Louisa!! You have no idea how I've been trying to find you!! ", She exclaims excitedly and rushes to pull me in for a warm hug but I'm frozen in my spot as I observe the surrounding a bit more closely.

There are small papers pasted on the walls with crayon marks on them. I ignore the papers and bring my eyes down to the woman who's clinging onto me like a second skin. I squirm a bit uncomfortably and she lets go of me, taking a few steps back to examine me.

"I'm sure it's you, Louisa. I wouldn't mistake those blue eyes and hair blend you got from your dad and me. Sit", she chuckles and sits on her small bed beside the window. I take baby steps to the plain white single sofa opposite her bed and make myself comfortable, staring at her every move.

"I couldn't take care of you, they all thought I was mad. You and your dad were all I had but he also started thinking I was mad too. So he left me and took you away."

All I'm still able to do is play with my baby and stare at her with tears falling down my cheeks. She swiftly rises to her feet and ambles towards me, a bit more excitedly and sits on the arm of the couch, making me flinch a little. She's too normal to be here. She gets overexcited over little things, from what I've studied but she can't be judged for having a happy child's mind.

"How I wish I could braid your hair but they were just too little to be touched. Can I touch?", She whines and pouts making me nod. No word seems to come out of my mouth all the while she plays with my hair, telling me about lots of things but my mind is too clogged up to say anything back.

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