finding a car seat

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~ Liam.

"We have good news, Liam but I'm afraid for you.", Greg slurs immediately he slams the front door shut behind him. I readjust myself and push myself up to sit upright like she used to do, her legs crossed under her.

God, I miss her. I take in a deep breath and wipe my forehead with my towel resting on the arm of the couch before meeting Greg's scrutiny.

"What news? You know where she is?", I question in a rush, and I search his face, hoping for answers but he shakes his head slowly but a smile forms on his face. My disappointment returns without him saying anything. Whatever he came here for doesn't matter.

"Chloe told me something and I think I should tell you but I'm afraid you're not responsible enough to handle it.", He breathes and I scrunch my nose, rolling my eyes at his words. He just thinks he's so responsible and mature.

"I left you alone when she left because I wanted you to figure things out but I guess you didn't do anything."

" Just shut up and tell me.", I growl impatiently and he raises his brows, trying to stifle a laugh. Not now cousin.

"Chloe managed to get her dad give her forms for Mariya to take her course online when school resumes. She had to write a test and she passed. So it means, she's keeping the baby and continue school online. "

My head begins to do spins and I try to focus on Greg who is standing right in front of me but his image begins to blur in my eyes. A thin layer of tears starts to cover my eyes as I try to shake away the emotions attached to the piece of news.

I'm going to be a dad. A freaking dad. A queasy feeling settles in my tummy while I try to focus on Greg. I don't know whether it's a good thing or not. I'm I going to be a crappy father like my dad or not?

I take in slow breaths to calm myself down and rise onto my feet, ambling towards him. His emotionless expression changes to the confusion the moment I wrap my arms around him. It sounds more unreal by the second but I can't wait to see my bundle of joy.

"Get off me now, big baby. ", Greg whines and I detach from him, making my way to the couch where I was seated at first. Beads of sweat paint my face as I cast my mind back to the money I have left on me. Of course, that is what Greg was talking about. I'm financially incapable.

"You think I need an extra job?", I ask him more slowly, expecting him to tell me what to do but he simply crosses his arms on his chest and raises his brows at me in a questioning look.

"I don't think so dumbo. You need an extra job. Just so you know, I'm not supporting you with anything. You need to learn to be independent. You have a girlfriend and a baby to take care of, you should start being reasonable.", He plops down onto the small space beside me and the couch dips massively. I almost laugh at his heavyweight but I shrug it off, for fear of being lectured and scolded on how immature he thinks I am.

"You being here is the only support I need. Let's check out some ads first.", I wave the subject off dismissively and bring my MacBook closer.

The morning closes on us before we find an ad close to what I want. A twenty-hour editing job. I could do them anyday in the week but it should be twenty hours, so flexible.

"Send your CV to the company and we'll clean this mess. Mariya would freak out if she should see this place like this."

"There's a party at Zach's place tonight. I have two cards, you can have one", I break the deafening silence between us as we clean up the apartment. He barely seems to be paying attention so I shrug it off and toss the garbage bag in the trash can.

"We're not going. We need a crib and a couple of baby stuff. You have to show up prepared otherwise she might just reject you the moment she steps in here, thinking you don't care. Go get dressed, order Chinese and I'll relax for a while.", he orders in his authoritative tone and I bow my head.

He always found a way to prove how immature and irresponsible he thinks I am. A baby. No matter how exciting it sounds, it doesn't get to the bottom of my thick head. I'd admit I'm not ready and more scared. What if I'm incapable? Of course, I've never had a good dad, one who cares about my welfare, if only Greg counts. A sad sigh elicits my lips and I drift my mind away from pessimist thoughts. I could always be better for my son.

And my Daisy.

"We need to leave now. Those baby shops close early these days.", Greg calls from the kitchen and I chuckle. I'm starting to think he's over matured for his own good.

We take my car and soon, we reach the front of a home-sized shop with pristine walls with BABY'S PLACE written in light shades of blue and pink, silver glitters tracing the edges.

"Nervous huh, you weren't when you pinned her down your bed. Douchebag", he teases and pulls me by the arm, dragging me inside.

Cold air tingles my skin but I doubt they were the reason for the hair on my arms and my back standing. My eyes pop wide open while I look around the room. More colours paint everything on the shelves except the far corner where darker shades of cribs and car seats are, as compared to the bright colours in the room.

There isn't anyone in the shop apart from a couple wiping the shelves clean of baby food. The lady is holding the small baby in her arms while the man fills up the cart with more baby food.

"You need help or you know your way around?", a cheery lady approaches us from behind with a large smile on her face. Her auburn hair swept off her face in a tight ponytail. I bend my head to meet her petite frame that wouldn't look a day over twenty. Just so pretty. But not like her.

"Uh... we're new here. We want to order a crib and a car seat.", Greg bails me out while I fix my gaze on the petite woman who's full attention is on Greg and what he's saying.

Just as short as her. Don't like her hair coming in her face just like her. Innocent and fiery whenever she needed to be any, just like her. Beautiful and simple like her but not more.

"I'm Eva. I'd like to show you what we have. Who's baby is it? Don't mind. I tend to ramble when I meet handsome guys like you. Oh, God. What I'm I doing?", She rambles childishly and covers her mouth with her little hands making me laugh.

I notice a red patch on her cheeks but she ducks her head to cover it and I smile. Of course, Mariya had a twin. A long string of laughter leaves my lips and I notice the glare on Greg's face and I hold the rest back and look at the embarrassed lady standing in front of us.

"Is she causing any trouble? My granddaughter is just silly sometimes.", a shaky voice rings from the corner of the room and we turn our heads to meet an older woman with her hair covered in beautiful grey locks. Just as short.

"She's not causing any trouble ma'am. We enjoy her company. She's great.", I speak up quickly and a smile covers the old lady's face. Why did I speak at all? She's not Mariya for crying out loud. I sigh and raise my head again, this time, allowing a fake smile on my face.

"Do you know the gender yet?", Eva asks us and I shake my head a bit more slowly, thinking of the right words to say but I ignore it.

"We want one of the popular ones. I mean the trendy ones, comfortable and all.", Greg continues and Eva's face lights up. She grabs Greg's arm and leads him towards the crib section while her granny goes to the counter to attend to the couple.

I follow the couple slowly with my hands dipped deep inside my pockets. Mariya.

Is it okay? Why is he even comparing Eva and Mariya? Please tell me what you think and vote. As usual, ilu.

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