Granny's care home.

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A week has passed after Mariya's outburst and she has been moody since. If hurts to know I can't do anything to help her. Why didn't mum tell me she knows anything about her the moment she saw her in the hall during their first and last visit? I barely paid attention to the stares mum was giving her that day because I was too focused on thinking of how to get dad and Clarisse out.

I've tried to calm her down and distract her severally but it goes downhill the moment I leave her alone.

I knock on her door and adjust the tray filled with my specially made breakfast carefully in my other arm. No matter her mood today, I want to put a small smile on her face at least. The sound of the doorknob snaps me out of my thoughts and I wear a goofy smile on my face as soon as she pulls the door open.

"You slept well?", I ask her politely and I push my jerkface attitude behind and savour the surprised look on her face. It has been really simple yet enjoyable how I show her different parts of me every time. I shove past her and saunter into her room, contentment and excitement bustling in my chest.

"Yeah.", She stifles a soft yawn and shuts the door. I set the tray on her bedside table and lie on her bed, reminiscing about the time she moved into the apartment. How I couldn't get enough of her amazing silliness. So naïve and innocent.

Waking up early to cook her breakfast didn't exactly help as much as my eyelids begin to feel heavy. I shut my eyes with a small creepy smile on my lips. If I was doing this six months ago, she would've thrown me out of her room.

"Liam. Go get dressed.", an annoying voice rings in my ears and I shut my eyes harder. I love her but she can be unbearable at times.

"Liiaaammmm", I feel her tugging on my shirt but I ignore and imagine it's Gaby because I've done this a lot of times to her. Her fingers glide down my ribs and I open my eyes and trap her in my arms.

"What is your problem, Marianne?", I snap at her and yawn. I noticed the tray is cleared and she's wearing a loose knitted crop top and a pair of washed jeans. "Going somewhere?"

"We're going to see my Granny. We weren't able to see her the last time. You've slept for close to an hour. Go get dressed."

" The last time I checked, you didn't want me to go with you. What changed?" I tease and she rolls her eyes and unplugs her phone from the charger. She quickly grabs her purse and heads towards the door.

"Okay, wait. You're too impatient and intolerant. Give me one minute.", I plead and follow her out of the room, quickly sliding into mine. I've never been nervous but this time it felt so unreal. The first time I followed her to the care home, it was just to get close to her again and apologise for being a total prick to her most of the time. She can't be kidding me now.

I push lots of hangers aside and pick out a plain black button-up shirt and a pair of black trousers. I wriggle into the clothes as fast as I can and run a hand through my scraggly hair. A gust of nervousness wash over me and I sigh. A long day indeed.

"I'm already gone.", I'm startled by Mariya's voice and a small smile forms on my face as I make my way to the door after picking my keys from the table.

She turns on the radio and disappears from the world as I drive straight to the care home. The more we got closer, the more nervousness grips me.

"Turn around.", she instructs me in a straight emotionless tone and I stop the car, thankful I had just pulled up in front of a gift shop. It sounded weird but...

"What are we doing here?", She snaps at me and my jaws drop. Bipolar girlfriend. I chuckle lightly and take her hand in mine but she pulls it away from under mine.

"Was going to get her a present. Your granny will love a pair of earrings.", I tell her sweetly expecting her to laugh or support my idea of getting her something but she rolls her eyes at me.

"Still a jerk. I see. For your info, she doesn't deserve even our visit so we're going back home."

I'm surprised by her sudden outburst and I know it's because she now has information on who her parents are and her dad who neglected her is exactly her granny's nephew.

"Yes mum.", I tease and she rolls her eyes at me again but I shrug her off and turn around from the gift shop, heading back to the apartment complex.

She's staring out of the window as we pass by lots of shops with a pained expression on her face. How I wish I could wash it off her face. The brightest idea comes to mind and I pull in front of a small ice cream shop with pictures of ice creams pasted on the glass-panelled windows.

"Please let me.", I tell her politely and ignore the fact that she angrily rolled her eyes at me. I sigh at her failed attempt to piss me off and leave her alone but I know this is where she needs me more. I get out the driver's side and quickly jog over to her side and open the door for her.

"Please let me. You wanted a fancy date. This isn't one but please don't be mad. I promise to do better when I find a job or figure out a way to unfreeze my account.", I explain calmly and tears roll down her cheeks.

I pull her out of the seat and draw her in a bone-crushing hug. I may not know how she feels but I know how to make her feel better. I may be a major jerk but seeing her cry does something to me. Something I can't put a finger on. She squirms against my arms and I let go of her.

"Thanks.", I mumble softly and take her hand, leading her to the glass doors of the ice cream shop. Pressing her hand softly, I tickle her palm and she giggles. That giggle that sounds like music to my ears. I'm whipped.

I push her large bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream in front of her with gummies topping it in front of her and she starts to shove spoonfuls into her mouth like she hasn't eaten for lots of years.

We enjoy our ice creams peacefully till she stands on her feet and rushes out of my sight to the small door with Bathroom drilled on a gold plate.

I wait for about three minutes before she comes back looking pale. How come she got sick without me noticing? She only had terrible mood swings, ate like she was eating for the whole world and now she throws up? She needs to see a doctor.

Is anyone thinking what I'm thinking right now? What could probably be wrong with a baby girl? I hope it's not what I'm thinking either 😂😂

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