I'm really sorry.

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"Your granny is your dad's aunt. I don't know much about his childhood or how he came to live with her but I know she raised him since he was just a little boy. He was only a teenager when he met your mum. He was an auto mechanic while your mum was a student.", She explains slowly and I nod, taking in what she had said so far. Why didn't granny tell me?

She sips her smoothie and smiles at me before proceeding.

"Your mum and I were neighbours. We lived in the rich part of the town, your grandparents were very rich business people but they passed away when Maeve was just nineteen, exactly the time she was pregnant with you. They had an accident, but this isn't about them this is about your parents.", She chuckles lightly and takes another sip. What about my dad?

"Maeve was so depressed and had several visits to the mental hospital. She loves them to the bone and couldn't keep her sanity. Her aunt took her in and your dad started becoming fed up of having a mentally ill girlfriend who also had a newborn. After she gave birth to you, she started acting too weird and begun doing things she wasn't supposed to but she never abused you. I made sure of that, I swear."

"Her aunt ceased taking care of her because she also had to take care of her issues. Maeve had to go on full admission at the mental hospital and your dad gave you to your granny because he also couldn't take care of you."

" Where's my mum? Is she okay?", That is all I can manage as tears are streaming down my face. I stare intently at her while she takes another sip of her smoothie without showing any emotion on her face.

"She's still there and she hasn't stopped searching for you. It's been twenty years since she last saw you and not being able to see you intensified her many dilemmas. I still make sure to keep her company, she misses you, Mariya.", She reaches out her hand and places it on mine and I realize tears had started to well up in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry.", She says quickly and wipes her eyes with her designer handkerchief and flashes me a quick smile.

"What's the address?", I muster and ask her politely and she takes her Gucci bag from the table, fishing out a plain sticker pad and an expensive Clarendon branded pen and starts to scribble. My eyes roam around the restaurant and the nervousness welling inside me I earlier morphs into bitterness and anger.

"Your granny isn't to blame. Your dad wasn't exactly the son she..."

"Don't defend her. The address please", I cut her midpoint and her head snaps up to meet my angry gaze and confusion spreads over her face.

"I'm sorry..."

I ignore her and snatch the paper away from the table, without even thanking her, I bolt out of the restaurant, not even caring that stares I'm getting from the customers.

Lots of thoughts flood my mind and I can't think straight. Why did granny do this to me? Why didn't she tell me? Her disappointment in my dad isn't enough reason to not even slip on a word. Not enough reason.

Tears cloud my eyes and pain strikes inside me as I stomp my feet on the pavement. The street is quite empty and the more I run, the more the pain inside me lessens. No matter how much I love granny, I doubt I'll ever be able to forgive her for this. For twenty years, she let the poor woman suffer when she had a choice.

I don't know how long I run but I reach the front of our apartment block and I stop, leaning against the wall.

A few droplets of rain hit my face and I hoist myself up and continue into the foyer. I run up the stairs to our door and push it open.

"Daisy!!", Liam exclaims excitedly and throws his arms around me. Why did she do this to me? To herself? Why did she decide to be so selfish and keep me to herself when my mum wanted me? All the times I needed closure with my parents, where was she? I wrap my arms tightly around him and let the tears fall onto the shoulder part of his shirt.

"Shhhh, it's alright. I'm here.", He whispers into my hair and I pull away from him, running into my room. Heavy footsteps follow from behind me but before I'm able to pick my door, his huge frame blocks the doorway and I bow my head.

"Nobody is going to hurt you, baby. I swear.", He tells me in a pained expression and I throw my arms around him again in a warm hug. "I'll make sure of it, even though you're the most stubborn girl in the world.", He teases me and a small smile crawls into my lips.

" I'll prepare you a warm bubble bath and pick a movie.", He kisses the top of my head gently and moves away from me. When was she planning to tell me?

I slip down to the floor and cross my legs beneath me Indian style and allow the warm tears to caress my cheeks. I need to find my mum. No matter how much I hate that she never tried to find me, I want to hug her and still tell her she's going to be okay.

"It's all done. I'll order pizza and wings, you'll love it. Consider it your first home date", he winks and I chuckle lightly, rolling my eyes at the end. No matter how mad I decide to be, he still finds a way to make me smile.

I nod and wipe my tears, trying hard to convince him I'm okay. He might be a douchebag but I can't get rid of him. I'm not angry at granny but I hate that she barely allowed me to see my mum and help her.

I hurry with my bath and throw on my SMILE cardigan and Liam's cargo pants I took from his closet the other time. He has outgrown it and I bet it looks nicer on me than him.

Joining him in the hall, I close the curtains so the sound of rain wouldn't interrupt. I need to try and calm down before going to see her. Maeve. Beautiful.

Liam starts the movie and I draw closer to him, absorbing all the warmth from his body as his hold on me tightens. Ky made me want to watch a couple of Disney films with her and it feels have hanging to see one of those I didn't see.

" I love you, Daisy. Always remember that. You have me and I have you. It sounds funny because most of the time I don't know what I'm even doing with you. I'm just so scared of scaring you away and I want to be the one to always protect you and make you feel safe. I'm always thankful to Greg for allowing me to see the sunshine...."

I don't hear the rest of his calming words nor the sound of rain pelting the windows. My eyes shut and soon, I'm lost in darkness.

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