What are you guys doing?

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I sit on the arm of the single couch opposite her, staring at her desperately like a lost puppy and it's the owner. Her eyes are clouded with tears but she keeps blinking to push the tears back and it snaps inside me that I'm the reason she's down to this point. She had always been stronger, stronger than me that, she knew how to hold her emotions together and control herself better.

The silence in the room and the soft sobbing sounds from her keeps pushing my patience up its limit and the last thing I want to do is lose my patience with her. It's practically equal to losing her.

"Please say something. Your silence is killing me. Please, baby.", I plead out of guilty conscience and stare at her intently as a single tear slips down her pale cheeks and every part of me wants to take her hand in mine and wipe away her tear with my thumb but I know she's going to pounce on me when I do but it's worth the risk. She's worth the risk.

I lift myself from the soft cushioned sofa arm and amble towards her but she stands on her feet and hurt flickers her eyes before a deep feeling of anger takes control of her and I take a step back, heavily anticipating her outburst. She crosses her arms on her chest defiantly and presses her lips in a thin line, wondering where to start from.

"You. You brought me down to this, Liam. You ruined my scholarship, everything I worked so hard for. All the late nights, all the effort I made to keep my scholarship, you threw it down the drain. You don't know how much this means to me because you're too busy enjoying the life of an ungrateful spoilt rich kid.", She points her index finger at me, glaring daggers at me as I try to keep my cool as she calls me names.

"It wasn't my fault. We were both at fault. Stop being so uptight and shallow. You could've stopped me that night but you know the awesome part, you didn't. You only wanted us to stop because you knew I'd forget it in the morning not because you were playing safe. If you were sure I wouldn't forget, you wouldn't have breathed a word about stopping.", I explain calmly but her jaw drops and she balls her little fists beside her and on any other day, I'd have thrown her over my shoulder and tell her how childish she's being but now, she's just being an annoying nag.

"What have you being? A pathetic jerk who can't keep it in his pants. You're just an opportunist who took my innocence like it meant nothing. You were my first kiss, my first everything. My first mistake!! Everything was perfect until I met you. You ruined everything!!", She barks loudly at me in a high pitch I'm not used to. My tolerance hit its limit as I begin to take in her angry state. I was her first mistake, of course, she's mine too. I'm a dad at what, twenty-three? How nice that sounds. All because of her, I'm even a worse guy now. She probably loathes me to with her all but it doesn't matter now, no female has the right to raise her voice at me.

She's only in her first year and I'm in my third, we both don't have jobs nor any money and my account is frozen, we can't keep a baby but it doesn't give her a reason to raise her voice at me.

"You'd better not raise your voice at me, woman.", I growl sternly and her eyes widen but she flares her nose and me and rolls her eyes.

Not rolling your eyes, Daisy. I sigh and take in deep breaths as mum taught me to do whenever my temper is rising beyond its limits. She's stubborn and I wish we weren't doing this now but I can't help myself any longer.

"Or?", She puts her hands on her waist and brings her head more closer to me and I sigh. She wants to torture me and test my patience but for the first time, I'll give in.

"I'll just forget you're a woman and hit you. Don't test my patience, Daisy!!", I grunt lowly and ball my fists at my sides. My nails continue to dig into my palms and I bet they'll start bleeding soon.

"You'll forget, you're good at it. Just go ahead and hit me, Liam. Go ahead. Come on.", She yells harder and I swallow an imaginary lump and my feel my patience running over. Self-control leaving me completely and shut my eyes for a second, not regretting anything...

"What are you guys doing? Liam, where's your self-control? You weren't going to hit her, were you? I thought you were more responsible. I could hear you two from the parking space and Daisy...", Greg breathes and his eyes dart from my fisted hands to the terrified girl who's standing right opposite me. I hadn't noticed how close we were standing as a whiff of Greg's perfume mix with sweat fill my nose.

I drop my fists and release my fingers from the tight clenching, bowing my head. It was already messy but I guess we just screwed up more. Of only she stopped blaming me. Accusing me of what was our faults. Does she think she can be perfect forever? If she can't afford to make mistakes, she should be on her own. I gulp and I hear light footsteps and I lift my head a bit higher but she slams her door shut and I sigh.

My eyes fall back on Greg's boring looks and I slump into the nearby couch, burying my head in my palms. The aim was to apologise yet she pushed me past my limit, called me names but she had to be a bit understanding. Not always being a nag.

Her footsteps become more audible this time and I make sure I catch a glimpse of her before she does what I'm thinking.

She has her bag thrown across her shoulder and a jacket over her other bare shoulder. She's wearing proper shoes this time and she doesn't say a word before walking past me towards the door, totally ignoring Greg's calls.

This is the point where everything we've worked hard for goes down the drain. Even in my angry state, I know I have to go after her but my ego clamps me down onto my seat and I bury my head in my palms again.

I've lost her. I guess for good this time around.

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