Meet me at Oliver's.

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Five days later.

~ Mariya.

"I love you Daisy!!", Liam screeches on his way out of the hall and I roll my eyes. The awkwardness between us from the time we had our little moment at the hospital has become exceedingly intense and I try my possible best to avoid him even though his jerk self won't stop teasing me.

As soon as I'm certain he's gone, I come out of my room wearing his architecture shirt. Aside from the fact that it belongs to him, I enjoy wearing it because of its comfortable nature.

I put my hair in a loose french braid and start with my chores. I sit on the barstool in the kitchen with my head buried in the crook of my bend palms.

I'm terrified. More of myself than anything. What if he realizes how better Clarisse is and decides to go for her? I know I shouldn't be thinking these but it scares me sometimes.  Like I'm losing my sanity over him and it's getting out of hand.

What if he's with me because he feels pity for me? Of course, who wouldn't feel pity for a girl who can't feed herself and provide herself with her comfortable life and depends on her grades for a good education? Half is better than nothing, I believe. Feeling like a loser is an exact synonym of what is battling inside me.

The sound of the doorbell chimes in my ears and I sigh. Liam never misses the chance to come home. Pathetic jerk.

He doesn't need a doorbell to come into his own apartment. I'm losing my sanity already, oh good lord, help me.

I shuffle to the door and I'm greeted by the sight of a private courier service delivery guy. He's wearing a crisp black suit and perfectly polished shoes.

"Good morning Miss. Are you Marianne Daisy Hughes?", He asks me politely and I nod my head. My heartbeat increases thrice as fast as my mind roams thinking of what I could've done to let such a person visit me.

"You've done nothing wrong, young pretty miss."

" You don't flirt with my girl! ", Liam appears from the bottom of the stairs, sporting a pissed look on his face. His lips are pressed in a thin straight line and his eyes are focused on the timid guy standing in front of me.

I scan the timid guy and I realise his gaze is fixed directly on my bare thighs. Of course, serves me right to wear only a large tee and barely visible jeans bottom shorts.

"Uh .. you have a private mail.", He says quickly and brings his eyes up to meet my steady gaze. Liam is still standing behind him, with his bag crossed over his shoulder and his arms looped around each other on his chest.

I nod again and take the envelope from him and step aside making way for Liam to enter the room. His height towers over mine and his minty scent engulf me again. I bet he's scowling at the delivery guy.

"Thanks.", Liam shoves me aside a bit roughly and slam the door in his face. He still looks pissed and I start to wonder what his problem is.

I remember Kylie telling me about fancy romantic dates, proposals, flowers, meeting parents, moving in with your boyfriend and a lot of fluff. Chloe's super expensive dates are a whole Cinderella world on its own. Liam doesn't do any of that and he claims me as his girl. He didn't even ask me if I wanted to be his girl. He can be so confusing.

"What's confusing? You talk too fast, dimwit", he grumbles and pulls me into his lap a bit too forcefully.

"There's lots of space on the couch, let me go.", I blurt and wriggle out of his grip and thankfully, he let me go.

"But you're my girl", he whines and I roll my eyes at him. His jaw drops and I really want to laugh but I'm too pissed to even open my mouth.

"You never even asked me if I wanted to be your girl." I scoff and he wraps his arm around me, drawing me closer to him.

" I'm so sorry, will you do me the honour of being my girlfriend? Pretty please?", He asks me with a childish pout on his face but I stand my ground and shake my head. Is he too dumb to notice I also want to have a feel of fluff? Something nice and worth telling.

"I want all the nice stuff, romantic dates and all, dummy!", his face morphs into a whole new look and I instantly regret saying that. I've become too comfortable around him. I'm losing my self-control and my sanity as a whole.

"I found out today that my dad has frozen my credit cards and my bank account."

" Find a job.", If he wants to live a life, not worth him he has to live it well. At least I can prove I'm not a gold digger like his family thinks.

I rip the seal of my mail and he scoots over to peep. I slap the back of his head, earning a low whine from him.

Marianne Daisy Hughes.

Wondering how I found your name? I have my sources, no need to be a scared sweetie. I really need to speak to you about something very important and I won't forgive myself if I don't.

Meet me at an incredibly public restaurant around the corner of your apartment. Meet me at Oliver's at 2 pm.

: No lateness, please.

"There's another anonymous? I should've known!"

" I'm going to get ready, I don't need you following me. I promise to call you when anything happens.", I tell him and he raises one eyebrow, scrutinizing me intently.

" You are not going anywhere. I repeat, anywhere!!", He growls impatiently and storms out of the hall, leaving me to my thoughts.

I know I'm not supposed to trust a stranger. Granny thought me better than that but I need information. Information on my life. Information on where I come from. Information on who granny truly is to me. Information on my family. Was I adopted, are my parents dead? Was I even made from a science lab, did I escape from a mental hospital? I won't be surprised because I'm sure I'm losing my sanity again. I need answers and I don't care where I find it, no one stops me.

No one dare stops me.

Baby girl is desperate for answers because she can't be living in oblivion. 
Liam had a frozen account and baby girl wants romantic things, is she asking for too much?

I have a question, do you need a proposal before you're sure you're dating someone? I feel it's more of action speaks louder than words thing.

And yes, you've ever gotten to a point where you need something so badly and you don't care where you get it?  You can share y' know.

Please vote and tell me what you think.

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