what's up with her?

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Chapter dedication to Eddy_writes.

Let's just say the rest of the book will be in Williams' POV. Otherwise,I'll state it. Please don't forget.


Its been five days and I've not seen my roomie...I wouldn't say I'm happy about it but I'm worried. She doesn't come close to me in school and unfortunately,I don't share any class with her. I'm not good at making first moves so I allow her eat with Chloe and that perv of a brother she has. Chloe isn't much of a problem so I'd just let her be.

She leaves for school before I even wake up and she stays at the library till they're closing. She loves books. No wonder she won the scholarship,its very hard to know anything about her besides she obviously doesn't have a social life.

Today is Friday,lets just say I'll organise a party tonight as a start of the weekend and school library doesn't stay open after school on Fridays,that's a good opportunity to get to know her. Maybe some music can help refreshen her.

A blur image of her swaying her hips to the beats of music and moving her feet to the rhythm flash my mind and my throat starts to itch, I swallow hard and shut my eyes. Unearthing who she really is going to be interesting.

Why I'm I thinking about her?? I scold myself mentally and drag myself into the kitchen to brew myself coffee. I put water to boil and go back to sort out clothes for school excited that I'll have a good night time with my roommate. What if she doesnt like the party? She'll like it...

She's hard to figure out and too damn secretive that, she isn't going to spare a word about herself but I want her to feel comfortable around me, is it too hard to ask for? I hope my efforts don't go waste because I'm very bent on knowing who she is and what she's made of.

After emptying the coffee cup of the black coffee I made for myself,I lock the doors and head out ready for the last day of the week in school. She walks to school...damn it !! Why doesnt she just own a bicycle or something..well,its none of my business,lemme just act like it.

I park my car and spot her walking towards the library with a pile of books under her arm,did she notice the library doesn't open early on Fridays?

What's up with her? She's making me worried. I barely see her at home and she acts weird during school. What's her story?

I still have thirty minutes to my first class and the first thing i want to do is to find Chloe and ask her a bit about my roommate. Without spillling the fact that she's my roommate yet.

I search the whole parking lot for Chloe's red Chevrolet all around but I can't spot it. Dammit!! I facepalm myself mentally for such a move I've decided to take when I have other things to do like focusing more on my books. Like she's doing.

Finally,i spot Greg's car pulling up into the parking lot and a thin line spreads on my face in a small smile as I walk towards him and after giving him the bro hug,he looks at me and laughs.

He looks good in his all black outfit..and if its to impress Chloe,then I'm sure that perfect six pack showing through his tight light cardigan is going to do the charming stuffs,you know. He's got the looks too but dammit,Chloe's is just too sunny for him,if you ask me. Too smiley,too nice. He's just a jerk.

"Hey Liam, what's up? Rommie giving you probs?",he asks me and chuckles lightly before rushing past me with a big goofy smile plastered on his face. What the heck! Maybe I need to plan this whole party on my own.

Chloe. She's the reason Greg left me. How dramatic. She's looking super freaking gorgeous in a tight sunny yellow jumpsuit  showing off everything any lustful pair of eyes would like to see. Her blonde hair covering her bare shoulders and her make up,perfect,making that 24/7 smile of hers radiant.  Damn. Its seriously against the bro code. I cant like her when I know my cousin has been crushing on her for years. Since they were kids probably. What happens to the kids of a college principal and his  fashion designer who happens to be the most popular one in the whole city,who happens again to be Greg's dad???

"Hey Chloe..",I say immediately I come I contact and give her a side hug briefly while Greg glare daggers at me. "I have a party tonight. Wanna come?",I blurt and Greg scratches the back of his head. He really is something.

"Greg,I cant believe you didnt invite me. Its been long since i hang out with you two. I'd love to come.",she chirps merrily and hugs me again before leaving as soon as the bell goes for our first lecture."see you around,Greg."

"What was that about,Liam? If its about the crap you told me about getting to know your roommate,then I seriously don't buy your idea OK. I think it sucks. You want to know her,sit her down and talk. Not talk to her after seeing her in smoking hot dress at a party. I wonder if she had any__"

Despite being my cousin,I have the right to punch him back into reality. And I did bring him back to reality. Damn. The fact that she's poor doesnt mean she cant afford a party dress. What's with her ? He staggers for a bit and I help him back to his feet.

"That hurt,man.",he scowls and I chuckle while we start to talk about her....well aware that we're skipping class.

"....dont force yourself to know anything about her. If she wants,she'll tell you her story. ",Greg mutters while patting my shoulder like a kid who wants a compensation for his melted ice cream.

"I'm still having the party. We're going shopping after school."

The main reason I'm having the party is to know what's up with her. The music will relax her mind and I'm sure she'll have a good time.
"Let's just skip school today."

This is what Greg is all about. No wonder he's my cousin. Want to sneak with someone,he's the best person...mischief, he's the expert. Just name it.

I get into his car and we're out of school to get some drinks for the party and those solo cups. Its gonna be lit. 

Should she go for the party? No need to even ask cuz its up in her hall...poor Mariya.

Alright..soooo..I wanna thank you guys for reading and the votes and the comments too. I'm very much grateful. Please don't stop. Keep reading,voting,commenting and share my story as well. Read my other stories as well. Later that day and Guardian of the Atlantic.

And chapter dedication to Eddy_Writes. Thanks for everything OK.. And please read his books...my favorite is Her. Its got the vibes at the right points. I love it and you sure would...his other books are Perfect flaws and Quotes from a creepy dude. They're a must read. Eddy_writes keep writing OK..the pen's always been mightier than the sword. 😉

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