Broken Deal: Habit

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I have been going on long walks in the woods outside our house. It's quiet and peaceful, so I love doing it. But one day as I'm walking in the woods, something behind me stirs. I turn around and look at where the white creature we call the Rake is lurking.

The Rake tosses its head back and snarls at me. I slowly back up, heading back to the house, when it lunges.

I scream as it brings its claws down my arms, making them bleed like crazy. The monster snarls and falls back, hissing. My heart is racing.

No, not like this. After all I've been through with the others, I'm not going to die here.

Suddenly, Habit appears. He whips out his machete and throws it. I close my eyes and brace for impact, but then ... the Rake screams and I hear a meaty THUD! noise. I open my eyes and see the Rake, crouched low as Habit bends down beside it, ripping the machete from the beast's body.

"Don't fucking touch what doesn't belong to you," he snarls. "If you ever touch one of my little rabbits again, I will cut your hands off and shove them down your throat. Got it?"

The Rake growls low in its throat, and then it runs off, and Habit turns around to look at me. He shakes his head and holds his hand out.

"Don't be an ass, just take my hand."

I do, and suddenly, we are in the bathroom of our house. Habit goes about cleaning my wound and bitching at me for walking in the woods alone. Then he wraps my arm in gauze and Ace Wrap and then he sits on the edge of the sink, while I sit on the edge of the bathtub.

"What?" I ask.

"Why were you walking in the woods?"

"To clear my head," I say.

"I see."

He looks at me for a moment, seemingly weighing what to say next. Then he just shakes his head and walks out. I roll my eyes. Why does he have to be so controlling? Why does he have to be evil?


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