Blackout: Habit

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This idea is amazing and I thank JaydeMorgana for giving it to me it is something that I literally dropped everything and started working on it. I hope you guys enjoy!

I come back home to see Habit sprawled out on the floor, giggling like an idiot and playing with a beer bottle. At least five bottles surround him. He looks at me and grins wickedly.

"The prodigal daughter returns!" he yells into the bottle, making a weird noise, and then laughing.

"What the hell ... ?" I ask, looking at him.

"I am so glad you're here! You wouldn't believe this, but I have drank some beer and now I'm gonna get a beer gut."

I laugh at this. "Uh, you okay, Habit?"

"Never better!" he slurs. "Say, when did you get so pretty?"

"Um ..."

"No wait! I want to guess." He gets off the floor and walks up to me. "You got this pretty about a second after you were born."


He walks over to the table where he keeps his knives and everything. Oh great. I hurry over and stop him before he can hurt himself. He looks up at me and kisses my cheek.

"I looooooooooooove you," he slurs.

"I ... love you too," I say.

It's the first time we have said those words to each other. And I can't believe he was the one to say them first. You'd think I would be the one to say those words to him. But I wasn't. He said them to me.

"You know, I really want to say that you are like, the most beautiful girl I've like, ever seen. And I've been around a long ass time. So it bears repeating."

He looks at me and grins.

"Okay, thank you," I say. "I find you handsome too."

"Well, if you could see the real me, you wouldn't."

"Habit ... I love you. You don't seem to understand that this goes beyond physical appearance and such," I say.

"Really?" He looks at the bottle still in his hand. "I never had anyone else like me like you do."

"Well, that's their loss," I say.

Habit hugs me. "You are awesome."

"Thanks, Habit."

I then help him into bed and decide to let him sleep it off. I go out to the living room and clean up his bottles and such. As I'm cleaning, I hear his deep, raspy voice from behind me.

"Up so soon?" I ask.

"Y/ n, I feel like I should apologize. I was really drunk and I don't remember much of what happened, but I'm sorry if I upset you in any way," Habit says.

"Are you sober now?"

He nods.

"Okay. Well, don't worry, I've got everything. But I thought you were drunk?"

"Demons get drunk different than humans. How was I acting?"




He scratches his chin. "So ... you love me for who I am?"

I stop what I was doing and look at him to see if he's joking. He's not.


Habit smiles at me and hugs me gently. "I love you, y/ n. And nothing will ever change that."

"Thanks," I say. "I love you too."

"Don't worry about it. And I'll clean up the mess, don't worry," he says.

I smile at him. "You know, you looooooooooooove me."

"Oh, I do, do I?"

"Yep. You do."

He laughs. "Well, it's the truth. So now you know."

I grin at him. "Good."

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