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Hello lovelies.

Its S. Mindy here.

I know this was highly requested.

It wasn't.

So here I am writing the 3rd and final book of the Turning Series.

This is on Damon and Chris and I hope you guys have your happy ending here but knowing me...


Okay, let's begin.

Do enjoy and remember to vote and comment.

I honestly love reading your comments and I try to read as much as possible.

Hey, this might be super late but I keep seeing comments of people being confused about some characters. So here goes.

Damon- also known as D.

Chris- also known as doofus.

Danny- also known as Dan or Danny boy.

Derek (and these are normal for me but weird for you guys)- also known as Eric or Rick.

Alexis- also known as Lexi or Lex.


Chapter One

I sat on my bed, boxes surrounding me as I played with the small black ring in my hand.

The inscription D.C staring back at me as I tried and failed to stop my heart from paining. Sighing, I pulled the chain around my neck before hiding it beneath my shirt and forcing myself to get up.

It felt like routine to always play with the ring I gave to Chris 4 years ago before I left the house and headed to work. Even though it took me a few years after college to get my act together, I was still proud of my progress. Sighing, I stood, grabbed my wallet and keys and headed towards my second hand car.

The air felt cold and unforgiving and I pulled the collar of my coat up as I quickly slipped behind the wheel. My windows up, loud music drowning my thoughts and the speedometer showing an ungodly number, I headed towards the tall building miles away.

Within an hour I was walking towards my desk, plopping myself onto the chair as I waited for my computer to boot up.

"Hey Damon." Stacy says to me.

"Hey. What's up?"

"I missed you at the club on Friday. When will you cave and come party with us?"

She steps further into my office and takes a seat. "Nah, clubbing... partying in the whole is not for me." I dismiss, trying to get a start on my work.

"Were you always this boring? You gotta live a little. How will you ever get a girlfriend if you don't go looking?"

I chuckled, sparing her a glance before pushing back in my seat. "Life is more than parties and random hookups Stace."

"Hmm. That's quite sad." She rumples my hair before walking out. "Bye."

I watch as she leaves, wanting nothing more than to tell her I'm not the quiet, boring guy everyone at the office seems to think I was. Shrugging, I got to work, my coworker's conversation long forgotten by lunchtime.

"Hey, are you ever gonna take a break?"

I smiled as Danny distracted me from my mountain of paperwork.

"Its lunch already?"

"Yes! I know I got you this job and I'm really happy you're working hard and proving to me how dedicated you are but come on, Derek and the gang is downstairs."

"I'll pass. I'll just grab a bite later on."

"Chris isn't there."

I ground my teeth at his name. We have been apart for almost 2 years but I still couldn't stop myself from reacting to his name.

I was the one that screwed up our relationship during the short two years we were together. I couldn't blame anyone but myself, especially after he chose to walk away from the toxic relationship we had.

"He isn't?" I asked, genuinely shocked.

"Yeah. It's just me, Jon, Derek and Bri." Danny responds.

I sigh once more, more loudly and get up. "Fine."

We head outside to the small clearing. It was a beautiful spot littered by benches and surrounded by small flower plants that no other person sat except us.

Us being my twin best friends, Danny and Derek, Danny's boyfriend Jon and Derek's girlfriend Briana.

"Guess who finally decided to join us for lunch?" Danny says loudly, pointing to me and smiling.

"Hey." Jon greets and I supped him, grabbing a seat closer to that couple than the other.

"Hey." Derek says cautiously and I nodded but stayed quiet.

We hardly spoke in two years out of respect for our old friendship but it was still awkward for him to be friends with me after what I did.

Everyone fell into an animated conversation with each other and I tried not to feel left out as I silently ate my lunch.

"Sorry I'm late guys, Trent and Alexis needed to see me and I just got released."

I looked up, heart racing and inwardly trying not to panic as my ex comes and takes a seat next to me.

"Hey!" He says surprised as he notices me. "You finally came huh?"

I kept quiet as I watched him. Him oblivious to my panic as he pulls off his jacket and drops it on the seat between us. His hair had grown just a bit and fell loosely around his face every time he moved.

His face was as I remembered it, sweet and boyish, even for his age and the smile that he held showed me how happy he was. The black working pants and white shirt he wore were slightly too big and I wondered if I was the only person that noticed he lost a little weight.

I knew I shouldn't be staring at him but with the group barely paying any attention to me, I couldn't stop myself. He looked so different, so free, so... happy.

I felt the opposite...

Hating myself for hating the fact that he was happy without me even though I knew he had every right to be but at the same time I was envious and broken.

"I should be getting back to work." I say softly, eyes finally finding the meal in front of me.

Everyone surprisingly heard me and I looked up as the place grew quiet.

"Dude, come on. You barely touched your lunch and we only got here like 15 minutes ago."

"I have a lot of work to do and-"

"You don't have to leave." Chris says as he stares at me. "We can act like civilized adults and be around each other you know."

"Yeah, am... it's got nothing to do with us. I just have a ton of work to do and clearly you guys wouldn't miss me if I left."

I didn't mean for it to sound dickish but I just shook my head as I couldn't take back my words. Standing quickly, I grabbed my food and half smiled at the crowd, trying and failing not to watch Chris.

Derek looked annoyed, Jon couldn't care, Briana watched me with pity, Danny looked disappointed but Chris... Chris had an expression on his face that I couldn't exactly put a finger on. He looked confused but nonchalant, bored but interested and as though he pitied me all in one.

"Catch you later?" Danny asks and I nod before walking off.

Yeah, this was exactly why I didn't hang with them anymore.

Danny and Derek were happy in their relationships and even Chris was apparently seeing some guy. I was the only miserable, broken excuse of a man and I was the only one to blame.

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