Falling With You

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Cassie POV

I counted down the days until i would return to Hogwarts on my calendar. Soon i would start my third year; time was going so quickly and i was missing my friends. It had been quite a blur since my eleventh birthday when a wizard named Dumbledore visited me, informed me that Remus Lupin was not in fact my father but had adopted me after my real parents died, and that i even had a twin brother named Harry who lived with our only living relatives. For some reason, Dumbledore wouldn't tell me why he was forced to live the horrible Dursleys and i got the decent parents but i gave up the questions a long time ago.

My name is Cassandra Potter, but everyone calls me Cassie. I don't know what my parents were thinking-Harry and Cassandra? Harry and i have never really bonded properly and certainly aren't as close as twins should be. It didn't help that he was the famous Harry Potter who'd survived Voldemort as a baby while I'd been left at the Order of the Phoenix meeting that night because my parents couldn't take us both at the same time. It still sent shivers down my spine at the thought that if I'd been taken instead of Harry things could have been very different. It's been tough adjusting to having such a famous brother, but i don't let it get to me so much anymore. First year was tough as i felt excluded from my own brother but thankfully i now had plenty of my own friends and was on speaking terms with Harry. I guess all good relationships take time. We don't look much alike either; he was the spit of James but with Lily's eyes so everyone used him as intense nostalgia whereas I didn't particularly look like either. I had some of Lily's red hair but it was much darker and James' dark hazel eyes so no feature of me especially stood out and I was easily overlooked.

Lupin accompanied me to the Hogwarts Express as he'd taken up post as Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher this year. I was initially surprised but he'd been finding it tough to get a job recently so I could see the appeal-I knew he was good but didn't particularly want a parent figure at school. Nevertheless i sat in the same carriage where we were soon joined by Harry, Ron and Hermione and even a Dementor, something i did not expect to encounter. I suppose it wasn't too unexpected considering Sirius Black was on the loose.

When I stepped into the Entrance Hall we were stopped by Professor McGonagal who needed a word with Harry and Hermione about timetables or something.

"Are they ready yet?" I asked curiously; i was excited to start some new subjects as some of the old ones were doing my head in.

She shot me a look then smiled, "You're going to get a shock Miss Potter," she said, "You were the only one to pick the same subjects as Mr Malfoy-you'll be sharing classes."

"You're joking," I groaned, glancing over at the Slytherin table where he was just making himself comfortable between Crabbe and Goyle. Malfoy was Harry's arch enemy and not especially friendly to Ron and Hermione either, so by default I was dragged in too; however unlike the other three, I was good at shaking things off and making a joke out of it which really rattled him, something I intensely enjoyed. I couldn't help being the tiniest bit attracted to him though, especially now he was a bit older but that is how it would stay. He was far too mean to be anything more

Hermione patted me sympathetically on the shoulder as she and Harry were led off so Ron and I traipsed in to join our fellow students at the Gryffindor table.

Lessons began the next day and my Ancient Runes class was almost void of anyone apart from Hermione, Malfoy and Ernie McMillan. 

"Hello!" said Professor Babbling brightly, "As Ancient Runes is so complicated and there's so few of us, we're going to be taking the entire course in pairs!"

I sat up interested; this could be quite good, provided I'm paired with Hermione or Ernie the entire year and not-

"Mr Malfoy," she said brightly, "And Miss Potter please."

I groaned silently and moved my books next to Malfoy shooting a glance in his direction but he didn't even look at me.

"Great," he muttered, "Stuck with a Potter,"

"Et tu Brute," i muttered back, "Stuck with a Malfoy."

"Now, now!" continued Professor Babbling waggling her finger in our direction, "Cooperation ONLY please!"

We glanced at each other, expressions stony but eventually i nodded courteously which he merely returned.

The year paired with Malfoy dragged past as we were forced to the library nearly every week due to the severe complexity of Ancient Runes. It was nearly always well after lessons ceased to avoid being seen in public with each other which i was fine with-I was just as annoyed with the arrangement.

It was becoming harder as Harry, Ron and Hermione were spending increasing amounts of time in the library too researching Hippogriff trials since Buckbeak was rumoured to be for the chop. I felt more resentment towards Malfoy about this especially as I had almost no time to help them. Thus when the day dawned and I spotted the three of them striding over the grounds towards Hagrid I jumped up to accompany them.

Before we'd set a foot over the grounds however, we spotted Malfoy and his cronies lurking behind a stone.

"Ah come to see the show!" he drawled happily when he spotted us, sending Hermione marching towards him and planting a big old smack in the face.

"Nice one," I smiled approvingly, "But let's give him a fair fight," I drew my wand, "Come on Malfoy," I said, "Let's dual it out."

He shot me a look but drew his wand nevertheless, "This is how we settle things like adults," I explained calmly nodding at Hermione, "She's my second"

Malfoy raised his wand but before he'd said a word I yelled, "Expelliarmus!" and his wand came flying towards me at lightning speed, leaving him stunned. 

I caught it triumphantly, "Cheers Malfoy," I pocketed it, "Come and get it back then." and with that i turned and ran; I was quite a good runner and this was much more fun than dueling. I heard Harry and Ron laughing as I legged it past them down the hill towards the Quidditch Pitch. I turned once to see only Malfoy running hurriedly behind me to keep up; he was definitely getting closer so I had to switch tactics. I spotted the Forbidden Forest just up ahead, "Why not," I thought and changed direction towards it.

"Really?!" I heard him yell, "The Forest?"

"Not a coward are we Malfoy?" I yelled back, entering the dense forest. It was harder now to run straight, due to all the branches and tree roots and I began to regret my decision, especially when I turned to see he was nearly level with me now. 

"Oh shit," I picked up the pace and changed direction; the ground felt far more uneven here and I had to be careful not to sink in the softer patches of mud. This was perhaps not my cleverest idea especially as I turned around for the final time to see Malfoy hurtling towards me and grabbed me round the waist, sending me straight to the floor in a very effective rugby tackle.

"Ok fine," i panted, struggling to break free, "You win."
Before he could reply, the ground sank away and we both suddenly plummeted downwards. I felt myself hurtling through nothing, looking up to Malfoy was following me with a similar expression of complete and utter horror on his face.

Eventually we landed with a bump on the floor of what looked like a different forest but it was lighter, greener and filled with beautifully exotic plants. I sat up groaning, Malfoy next to me, "Where the hell are we?" he asked and we both looked up to where we'd fallen, just in time to see the hole we'd fallen through close up. We exchanged glances, with similar expressions, 

"Great," I said, "We're stuck here."


Forbidden Love-Draco Malfoy (smut scenes included)Where stories live. Discover now