Chapter 4

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Jaden's Pov

Just woke up, so no. Talk to you later losers

I have no clue who this girl is but she is hella cute. Me and the boys know nothing about her but she seems chill and she doesn't know who we are which is a huge plus. Yep, hi. I'm the one and only Jaden Hossler. It's just weird, most girls are obsessed with me. She doesn't. Is she kidding when she doesn't know who we are to make us not uncomfortable or she actually serious. She's different. Your probably thinking "Jaden, you never met her" well yes, this is true but I have a gut feeling she is different. I decide to check to see if she has snapchat or tiktok. Neither. Is she even real? I decide to then check instagram, sure enough I found it and she just posted. I liked it and commented on it. Damn she was adorable. A few seconds after I commented she replied "why hello fool number one🙈" I just laughed. So she is real, but why doesn't she have any socai media, she a teenage girl for god sakes. My thoughts are interrupted when I hear the boys calling me name

Abby's Pov

When I got downstairs, they told me they were leaving for a few days for a business trip. Yet I really didn't care, the whole house to myself seems fun. However, that wasn't the case

"Abigail, we aren't leaving you alone" he said sounding quiet mad. That's my step dad George. It wasn't my his idea to even foster me. He hasn't liked me since the moment I saw him. I have no clue why they even are fostering me, yet again. I feel like a burden, that's normal. "Where am I going to stay?" They both shrug "Anywhere but here. We don't trust you" he flatly stated. You have to be kidding me. I don't know anyone around here at all, like at all. Didn't talk much in school. I suck at making new friends. Over the phone is way different, it's easier they don't have to see my face and I don't have to see there. That's another reason I hate face timing.

"So your leaving me and kicking me out of the house?" I asked. They both nod "Like I said but you don't listen. We don't trust you" wow, okay then. I just turn around and start walking upstairs "i'll be out in an hour" and go into my room and slam the door. This is really happening, isn't this illegal? You can do this? I slide my back down the door until I'm sitting with my back against the door and I sit there with my hands in my knee's. I haven't cried in a while. I know if I start I won't stop. I hate feeling bad for my own life. I was deep in thought when I hear my phone start ringing.

Ja🙈, Ant🐜, Josh:)
accept decline

I wasn't in the mood to talk, so I go to hit decline but it hit accept but I didn't realize. I set my phone back on the floor and I just sit there looking up at the ceiling. I don't know where to go. I put my hands into my hair "fuck". I then grab my phone and I see i'm one FaceTime with my boys. I freeze. As you can tell, i'm not very good at talking to people I don't know, at all. So I froze.

"Abby?" Jaden said, look at me weird. They all are.
I just give them a fake smile. "Hey" damn abby, way to do. Why am I so awkward. Really, am I really like this. I then hear Ant say "are you okay" he trying not to laugh of how awkward I am, I can tell by his face. "Y-yep, totally fine" All the sudden everyone burst out laughing, except Jaden. He just sits there, he doesn't have an emotion on his face. I start awkwardly start laughing so I don't completely embarrass myself. I have to pack a small bag of clothes so I can leave, to where ever i'm going. "Hate to ruin the fun, but I gotta get going. I have things I need to take care of" I say, kinda quickly. "Aww, you suck. We wanted to talk" they all have a smile on there except Jaden. "Sorry, bye fool number 1,2 and 3" and I hang up the phone. I set my phone back on the floor. I refuse to feel sorry for myself, ever. That's not me. "make other people happy" something my grandma alway told me. Hide my feelings and crying is for loser. That's the way I thought, messed up. Of course, do I care. No.
(804 words)

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