Chapter 14

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The past few weeks have been amazing. Have been spending a huge amount of time with the boys. I decide to just live at my old foster home house. They didn't have family outside of themselves, couldn't get pregnant so it was just them two. Kinda of cute if you think of them two against the world but they weren't nice people. Anyways, I grew on instagram a bit, now   300K, mostly because of the boys. Been tagging me in bunch of post. The one of me and Jaden with our hoods up, yeah that one, blew up. It has over a million likes and it's currently still spreading. Everyone is shipping us, and honestly, I don't even mind.

"Abby" I hear Jaden say as he puts his arm's around my waist. We aren't a thing, don't worry.

"What?" We just woke up and I'm grumpy. Yes we, ugg it's complicated.

He takes his hands off my waist and turns me towards him "grumpy ass" I just look at him and smile and kiss his cheek. I was gonna be nice and see what he had to say but instead I started to run down the stairs to mess with him just a bit. He starts chasing after me. I go into the hallway and I take a right leading to the stairs and I book it.

Me being my clumsy self, I tripped while running and fell down the stairs. I wasn't hurt, because that's me. I do things that could end badly and never get hurt. I believe that's my parents looking over me.

"Abigail!" I hear multi people yell. One  definitely Jaden. I open my eyes and I see a bunch of faces leaning over me. I just burst out laughing.

"aww you guys are sweet" I say trying not to spit everywhere. I do that when I laugh.

"Are you okay?" Someone says, wasn't really paying attention. I sit up and I look at them. Josh and Anthony just woke up. Jaden obviously woke up with me and I'm amusing Griffin was with dixie all night. A lot has happened in the last week. Let me fill you in real quick.

Griffin and Dixie have been "talking" for a while but we have to concluded that there together. By we, me and Jaden. Josh is talking to some girl, honestly have no clue what her name is and Anthony is single as a Pringle. I am too, oh and Jaden. However, me and Hossler have been getting close, It's weird, we connected that night. If anything that brought us closer. He's kissed me a few times and every single time I get a tingly feeling, I can't tell if it's good or bad. I think today's plan is to go meet some people at the hype house thing. I don't have tiktok so I couldn't tell you what on earth that is. I'm nervous though, I'm a nobody in everyone eyes, even socail media's. I only know Anthony, Josh and Jaden from Anthony being dumb. Met Griffin and Kio, have talked to Grif but not Kio, he is dating some girl named Olivia I think. Like I said, don't talk to him.

"Earth to Abby, are you okay?" I could tell Anthony was saying that. I give them a goofy smile. I've been in a way better mood this week. Just something about it causing a goofy side I didn't know I had.

"I'm fine. If i'm hanging out here more then get use to it" I say trying not to laugh. It's cute they so concerned. I then fell arms go around my waist but towards the back of me. I look up and see Hossler picking me up. He throws me over his shoulder so i'm upside down and starts walking somewhere.

"Don't do it again. You could get hurt" he says sounding serious. I just end up laughing.

"Abigail, I'm serious" he stops looks at me from under his arm. "Yes Hossler, I will be more careful" I say looking at him with a smile on my face. He smiles back at me and he starts walking again. He then sets me down on the couch then grabs my waist and he lays next to me, wrapping me into a hug and digging his head into the crook of his neck. Him just breathing sent chills down my spine but I wrapped my arms around him and started to play with his hair and he closed his eyes. I have to admit, he was the biggest baby out of the group.

"Ja, we have to get ready. Aren't we going over to th-" I attempt to say but he puts my finger over his mouth. "shhhh, were going later. Be quiet and cuddle me" he says. I can tell he didn't get much sleep last night. He in the middle of writing a song so I wouldn't blame him.  I smile and the next thing I know, we are both asleep on the couch.

A/n- I need to add some tea, so let me know some things I can do. I have a idea on how to end this but I must start it first🤣. Anyway, thank you for all the love🥺❤️  Also sorry if this is bad, my first book and my writing sucks 😂

If your here from my tiktok, I'm trying to post maybe sometime tomorrow❤️

(908 words)

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