Chapter 23

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(I think this song fits this chapter so play if you wish:).)

Jaden's pov

Last night was something else. I'm truly falling for this girl, my heart aches for her though. After what she told me last night I never want to let her go. I want to hold her forever. She's been through so much it pains me to know that. She gorgeous and she has a mind of her own but I love that mind and I love how she comfortable enough to share it with me, it melts my heart. I've never felt this way with someone else, I really haven't. She's special, in her own way. I can't tell if it's the way she smiles or laughs when she gets nervous. Or if it's the way she gets mad at the boys for something silly they did, she bit her bottom lip and when she is sad she plays with her fingers or zones out. I can't figure it out, if it's the way she acts or it's her as a person (like looks and personality). Her eyes, those big beautiful green eyes. They remind me a lot of the world if I'm honest, the pure in this world. Your probably thinking that's so stupid but listen, she's pure. She has this heart that just cares and loves even though she's hurting, she's pure, just like her eyes. This light green color reminds me of her pure ness. They calm me down, they bring me back into reality, a peaceful reality . She is peaceful. I think that's what i'm falling for, her eyes. Those big beautiful green eyes of hers.

I've been thinking for a few minutes now, looking down at my girl. Her head in my chest hold my tight with her eyes closed but I know she's awake. I'm just watching her at ease, you don't see much of that with her, she always is in her thoughts or somewhere else. She woke me up when digging her head into my chest but I'm okay with that.

A few minutes go by, and i'm just admiring her when I see her murmur something into my chest then she flutters her eyes open, looking up at me.

"How long have you been up?" she muttered. Her morning voice was cute, groggy but cute.

"Not long, how you sleep" I ask. She just smiles at me but not taking her eyes off mine. She eventually does answer me though "maybe 10 minutes ago. The boys were snickering and it kind of woke me up" I just smile at her. It so weird, how can someone have such and effect over me.
She's just breathtaking. Her hair a huge mess but yet not. She looks so comfortable but so complex and elegant, how can someone even do that. She doesn't say anything and neither do I. We aren't morning people what so ever and never will be. She lays her head back on my chest and she stars to draw shapes over my shirt, weird circles, yet again getting lost into her thoughts. I just sit there playing with her hair until either of us decide to get up.

"Hey Jay" says, having a crack in her voice.

"Yeah love?" I say back.

"Promise me something" she starts, pausing to look up at me. I just look at her waiting for me to continue.

"Promise me that not matter what, you'll always be a rockstar. Write music and do it okay?" she says, letting out a breath of air, I don't think she knew she was holding in. Ab is the only person I told I was writing music, I wanna work on a song, about heartbreak. My life when I was a bit younger was rough, had a rocky relationship a year or so back and I wanted to write about, to connect to myself and my fans. Abby seemed trustworthy not to say anything. I haven't told the boys yet but i'm okay with that, I don't need anyone knowing, in case this doesn't work but she knows how much I love music. We always have,once an awhile, late night talks ever since the night we first met. We would always stay in my room, looking at the ceiling getting to know each other, some deep things and some random. Her favorite color is blue and when she's older she wants to have a family dog named maxmus, little things like that. I told her about my music one night and I could tell she was happy I found something I loved. Like I said earlier, she was the most caring human ever, wants the best for everyone. I told her about how i'm thinking of writing a song and I've never seen a smile bigger on her face then that one, which shocked me. It wasn't benefiting her and it wasn't anything she wanted to do but she was happy I was and I thinks that night, I started to realize how amazing she is, but why promise something like that.

"no matter what" I promise. taking my other hand and sticking out my pinky, her face grows to a soft smile and she links her pinky with mine. We both don't pull away though. We rest our hands on my stomach, still intertwined, and we just lay there.

"Why make me promise something like that?" I ask her. she answers with a simple shrug "thinking". That's all she says before slipping back into her thought. Damn, this girl is complex and I'm loving it. I've met anyone who could get lost there head all day but she managed too. Sometime it was stupid things but it wasn't stupid to her. I remember one time, I was driving her home to grab clothes and it was like 1am and we were over tired and she started rambling about saving some sort of fish in the ocean, or some clean up service. At the time I laughed but she was dead serious. Little cute things, she always has something to talk about or think about and you should be worried when she's speechless.

"Wanna go to Ihop?" I say, yawning. She frantically nods and she shots up. I just let out a soft chuckle.

a/n: this chapter has my heart. Like someone look at me and think about me like that thank you very much🥺. Anyways, this was how Jaden thinks, ehehe if you were paying attention I used a quote in the description:) eheheh. I will start getting things going the next few. I just like longer stories, the one that are more like life and thoughts and stuff like that, so I rather take my time and get quality even though, these are questionable...😂. I love you and your worth it:).

Side note: someone just told me they loved my writing technique and I died. That was so sweet🥺

I also changed the cover photo because I didn't like the old one:)

I also changed the cover photo because I didn't like the old one:)

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What is something you will always believe in, nor matter what?

What is something that you will never forget?

What's a date you'll never forgot?

Favorite song?

Are you okay?

What is something you regret from the past?

Is there something you want to redo in life?

What's your friend group like?

What's something or a thing you love and are obsessed with? Why?

What's your favorite subject in school?

What's the lowest grade you have ever gotten?

Have you ever met your idol(s)?

I hope your doing amazing and I'm here if you wanna talk. Don't be afraid, I'm not gonna judge, your worth it❤️.

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