Chapter 33

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Our little dinner was fun. We ended up messing around and getting kicked out as soon as we ate our food.

Bryce and Josh decided it would be fun to fling food at each other with forks into there mouths. Let's just say it ended up in the old lady's hair in the booth next to us, she was very nice about it though. She told us to live and continue acting like we are 2. Maybe she was being sarcastic, oh well.

I still didn't have a good feeling about tonight. I don't know what it was, something bad was gonna happen. I really don't know what though, nothing could really go wrong, could it?

"what you thinking about?" Jaden whispers into my ear. Did I zone out again?.

I look over next to him and I give him a weak but reassuring smile "nothing".

He laughs and kiss my forehead and puts his arm around me, while I lay my head on his shoulder.

Everyone was with us, you had, Anthony & Avani, Bryce & Addison, Griffin & Dixie, Kio & Olivia, Me & Jaden, and Josh. We were all super excited but having our own conversation, Josh talking to Bryce with Avani and Addison were giggling and talking.

Once we got to the house, which was huge. It was a white brick house with windows everywhere. A pool in the front and a 4 car garage, it was stunning for a home.

We all got out, I expected us to go in but instead everyone just stood there.

"What are you doing?" I ask. Everyone looks at me with a smile but no one says anything. I just shrug it off and I go stand next to Jaden, wrapping my arms around him because it was kind of chilly outside.

After a couple minutes of waiting and talking, avoiding why we are just standing here, a car pulls up, a black suburban. Everyone attention turns towards it, so I do the same. Maybe it was there friend or something. A person steps out of the car and the car drives off again.

No fucking way.

I take a look at the person standing in front of me. She's wearing a tight gold dress with her haired curl. I froze.

I stand there watching her with a huge smile on her face, everyone's face but mine. I haven't seen her in 4 years? 5?

"Go get her" Jaden whispers into my ear once again. I look up and he gives me a small nod.

I bright smile grows on my face. I let go of Jaden and I run over to Katie, who's standing inches in front of me.

We meet and we almost fall over but we managed to stay put. We both hugged each other close, we were each other's rocks. Been there since day one and she's always been there for me, just like these guys have. She meant everything to me, she was like the family member I never had.

"I missed you" she manages to get out. I think I was hugging her to tight but I didn't care, I don't think she did either.

"I missed you too" I mutter back. This can't be real. They really flew her here.

She goes to pull away but I hug her tighter, if you ever had a long distance best friend, you know how it feels. They are there and it feel so surreal.

"Ab, let go. Let's go party" She laughs. I let out a small sigh and I let go. I turn around to see everyone looking at us, with bright smiles. Jaden's being the biggest, he was happy for me. That made me over the moon.

I go over to Jaden and I give him the biggest hug. Your probably thinking why don't you hug everyone. Jaden did this, I could tell by the way his eye light up when I looked up at him earlier.

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