Chapter 19

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(gonna start leaving songs I like so if you wanna listen to them feel free)

"ABIGAIL NO WAY!" Katie screams through the phone, causing her mom to yell at her. Me and her burst out laughing. It's been an hour or so since I left the group and i'm currently sitting on my bedroom floor talking to Katie about Jaden. I need to tell someone and all the boys will just make fun of me, so she is the best bet.

"Yes way. I don't know what to do about it. He's a fucking tiktok star, and may I add famous. He's not gonna want a girl like me kay" I exclaim. I get this feeling whenever I hear his name out of anyone's mouth. Butterflies. He has this weird effect on me, like no matter what he does I would always chose him. I look down playing with my fingers, knowing what i'm saying is true. Who would fall in love with a messed up foster kid.

"Abigail Lee Rose, the boy is in love with you. Just by you sitting here talking about what he does, I can even tell that." She says trying to comfort me. She can tell i'm upset, do I know why. No. Maybe because of Jaden not feeling the same back or different reasons. I just don't answer her, getting lost in my own head.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Katie ask. We always call each other those type of names. But to answer her question, a lot. I haven't told Jaden this because he doesn't need to worry about me or the feel the need to worry. I'm old enough to handle myself, not saying I don't love his company or the way he cares. Just things I guess. My parents. That's been on my mind like bullets. Going in out of my thoughts at least two times a day. Also my foster homes and all the "parents". Hearing everyone talk about childhood stories with there parents is drowning me. How come I never got that life. Why did my parents have to die so soon, yk? Why wasn't I wanted. I guess that's a question I ask myself daily. Why wasn't I enough? To be honest with you, the only reason i'm still alive is because of Katie, she kept me afloat all these years, I couldn't do anything to break her after what happened. It was a mistake for sure, or was it? I snap out of my thoughts when I hear my name being called over and over again.

"Hm, nothing i'm fine" I say, plastering a fake smile on my face. Katie just sits there, with her arms crossed looking at me. She can see right through my lies.

"Abby, wants bothering you, is it tiktok bo-" she starts to ask but I stopped her "No kay, Seriously, was just thinking" was I though?. She goes back to her happy self again, smiling all giddy. That's why she's my bestfriend, always happy and open minded, I really just want give her a hug right now. We spend the next half and hour talking about Jaden and the guy she met. I missed these talks, honesty taking my mind off of everything I was thinking.

It's been a few hours and the sun is currently setting and i'm stuck inside watching the best show of all time, outbanks ( never seen it😳) on Netflix to just pass time and distract myself. I haven't had a night by myself in a while, but was it really a good thing. I was finishing episode number 6 when I get a notification on my phone. I quickly grabbing it hoping it would be hossler.

*𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝚖𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙸𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚖- @𝚓𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚜𝚕𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚒𝚗 𝚊 𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚝*

Lights on my phone. I can't help smile and I open my phone to see what he wants.



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