Chapter 9

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Jaden's Pov

I got to where said she was but I only seen a car. I looked inside to see if she was in there. She wasn't. My mind went racing. I just stand looking around. Something caught my eye. A small little path leading down. I don't even think twice and dart over and start to follow it. Sure enough it lead to Abby. "Abigail?" She was just sitting there look up at the sky with her eyes close. She must of heard me because she opened her eyes and she darted up and she came over to me and ingolfed me into a huge hug. I huged her back, I don't know but if something happened to her, I would lose it. I feel her relax a bit. After a while, she still crying but not as bad. She looked up at me. She's broken. Her eyes say it all, those big green eyes (idk what color, I couldn't tell, let's go with green). Her face was red and her eyes were all puffy and she had black tear stains down her face, assuming from her makeup. Even though she didn't need it but those eyes. She just digs her head back into my chest and hugs me tighter and she just loses it. I've never seen someone cry this hard, at all. I start to her rub her back to calm her down. The girl I've been talking to the last few days was finally in my arms. It felt so unreal. Not the way I wanted to meet her but I'm not mad it happened this way.

"Ab, what's wrong" I say in the softest voice I can. She doesn't answer.
Abby's Pov

"Ab, what's wrong" he asked softly. I can't say anything. There's a huge lump i'm my throat. I didn't know I could cry this much. I guess after all these years of holding it, I broke.

"T-there go-ne" I mange to some how get out of me.
"Who's gone Ab" he said pulling me closer to him.

I try to calm myself down. If you couldn't tell it wasn't working. I then feel myself being picked up. I pull my head out of Jaden's chest and I see he's carry me, somewhere. No clue. He has my phone in one of his hands and he's just carry me. I dig my head back into his chest.

A few minutes later, I hear some sort of thing open then I fell myself behind set down. I pull away from Jaden  and I see I'm sitting in the back of his trunk. He reaches behind me and grabs a blanket and wraps me in it. Then takes his hands and cups my face and wipes the tear off my cheeks, leaving black mascara all over his fingers and he wipe his thumbs on his already dirty shirt. Good job Abby. He then sits next to me. Why is he being so sweet. No clue but it's cute.

After a while of silence, except my crying I finally mange to say something. "There all gone. They all l-left" He just looked at me and he starts rubbing my back. This is not the way I wanted to meet him at all.

"you don't have to answer but who left?" he looks at me very concerned. I look up at him. The first thing I notice is his eyes. There a blue color, hard to explain. His blue eyes are just looking at me. Worried, I never realized. A wave of suddenness washes over me. And that's when everything comes out of my mouth.

(612 words)

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