Chapter 20

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(I like this song:) Sorry if you hate my music taste. Came from my playlist. Also really relate to this song)

Abby's Pov
(leaving off where I left off)

We start walking to his car. Why is he even here. He was supposed to be with friends today.

"Hey Ja" I say, grabbing his attention.

"yeah?" he says looking at me. I can't help but smile, he's just there, with me. I think I really am falling for this boy.

"Aren't you suppose to be hanging out with your friends tonight?" I ask him with ease in my voice that I didn't know I was keeping in. I guess the talk with Katie made my voice nervous, it does that a lot.

"Well yes, but it wasn't any fun and I wanted to be you" he says, slowly starting to swing our hands back and forth. His answer causes my cheeks to turn a shade of bright pink. No one has ruined there plans for me, it was nice. We both get into his car and he starts driving, I was so caught up and being with him, I forgot to ask what he was doing or even going.

"Where are we going weirdo. You just got me out of my house now we are driving somewhere?" I say, slightly laughing. He just has a smirk plastered onto his face and he doesn't answer me.

"Hossler" this time he answers me. "I'm not a weirdo" I roll my eyes "okay, hossler what are you doing?" he laughs "better, we're going out. I wanna spend time with you. Not gonna let a cutie be alone on a friday night now are I?" he says with another smirk on his face. He really loves to do that but I rather see his crooked smile that drives me insane, a good insane.

He tells me it's a surprise. I hate surprises and your probably thinking "that's so basic", well karen. Surprise are suppose to be good, not awful. That's how they were in the foster system. I would get told by a child care worker about how they have a "surprise" and it ends up either being i'm leaving or going to a new home so surprise aren't my thing. Never will be and they always make me nervous or gets my anxiety high, fast. I try to push it aside because I know he means good, he really does. He doesn't know about my past and I don't except him too. But I think he can sense on edge because he puts his hand on my knee and draws these weird circle shapes with his finger and it calms me down a lot.

"Love, what's up?" he ask me but not taking his eye off the road. I let out a small sigh but it turns into a smile. Pushing past all the feelings inside me. "Nothing, truly. Just thinking" I say He goes quiet for a minute, which ends up being the whole ride. He still has his hand on my knee keeping my calm. It not a uncomfortable quiet either, it a peaceful one.

A few minutes later, more like 15 but it felt so quick he parked the car on a side of a empty road next to a hill. He gets out and he stands there waiting for me to get out. I just look at him. what on earth is he doing. He laughs "follow me and I will show what on earth i'm doing" he says looking at me. I didn't realize I said that out loud and my face turns bright red again. He chuckles and I get out and I grab his hand and we start walking up the hill down the path, both of saying nothing but I can tell he is excited. When he's excited he really never says anything or when he nervous he it quiet too so I can't tell what on it is but i'm hoping it's excited. When we reach the top, there's a little area. Surrounded by trees that look out on the whole city of LA, when the sun it setting it just perfect, a peaceful perfect. It's breathtaking. Jaden takes my hand and sits me down on a blanket he must is spread out, then sits down next to me.

-Skip a few hours-

At the moment, we are sitting here still, now watching the stars. My head is on his chest and one of his hands around my waist the other behind his head and we are snuggled under a blanket, talking about life and things, just enjoying this. I'm honestly glad he got my out of the house with him. I really needed this, or him.

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