Chapter 6

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I mange to drive to somewhere. I really don't know where I am. Near some houses in an empty vacant parking lot. I've been driving for about an hour now. I know that's a long time but I kind of just drove getting my mind off of things. Those type of drives. My phone has been blowing up for a good 20 minutes. It's the boys and Katie, I know for a fact it about my instagram post. I'm just sitting there in the car, emotionless. I know what I said about my emotions but sometimes you can't help it. I'm lost. What happens if my parents wouldn't have got in that car, or my grandma wanted me, or really anyone wanted me. I'm lost you could say. I could never say I truly had a stable family, ever. My longest stay somewhere was 5 months. Not long.  I just let out a small sigh and I check my phone.

(katie=kaybae )
(abigail=ab the fish)

Hey bb, how are you doing?

ab the fish:
Hey kay, doing okay.

you got kicked out didn't you?

ab the fish:
yep. for a few days even if they come back

Here's quick few things. Katie name for me is ab the fish, this is why I found it funny Anthony named me that. We have had these nicknames since we met, ab the fish and kaybae. They just clicked. Second, Katie got adopted, yes adopted very quickly so she alway had a stable family, not me. All the bad things happened to me. It's messed up but she was always there and I wouldn't change it for the world, at all. She's my kaybae and she knows me better than anyone, everything.

aww, don't talk like that. They'll come back. I miss you and I want to give you the biggest hug ever.

ab the fish:
I know I shouldn't talk like this. I miss you too and I would love a kay hug.
read at 5:50pm

She does read it but she doesn't respond so I'm assuming she it either doing something or out. She normally doesn't answer. I then go check my messages from the boys.

Um instagram?
Abby? are you okay
I know you reading these.

Damn Hossler, you got me once again.

Fine, person things. How are you guys doing

I'm hoping they change the subject, not going to be talking about this today, not now.

Don't change the subject
at least answer the facetime call?


The gang🐠🐜🙈 is calling...
accept                         decline

I accept it even though I really don't want to talk. It's weird when more than one person cares, how do they do that?

The convo

Jaden- "Well look who answered
Abby- "Hey"
You really didn't smile, well it was a half smile.
Josh- "you look tired?"
Abby- "I am"
Anthony- "Why are you in a car? Isn't it late?"
Abby- "It's 6?"
Jaden- "Late."
I shrug "out, driving."
Anthony- "what happened with your instagram post?"
Abby- "you guys are nosy. Like I said and I will say it again, personal things."
Josh- "why so snippy?"
Abby- "why so many question? Shouldn't you guys be in bed. Where do you guys live?"
Jaden- "La"
then Josh and Anthony say something under there breath.
Abby- "What was that?" getting a little attitude for no reason.
Jaden- "Woah, attitude?"
I don't say anything and it's quiet for awhile No one says anything, not even me. I'm just trying not to snap. I always do when this happens.
Anthony- "You still don't know us do you"
I shake my head no "I only know Hossler over there"
Jaden grows a smirk on his face - "You said no more of that nickname"
You ignore him- "Be honest, who are you guys?"
Josh- "Should we tell her" and him and Ant start aguring.
Jaden- "Lowkey tiktok famous"
Josh,Anthony- "Jaden!"

That's it, that's really what they have been hiding?

Abby- "oh. That's it. Glad your not killers"

They all go dead silent.

Abby- "Did I say something?"
Josh- "your not freaking out?"
I start laughing- "You guys actually think i'm obsessed with you. Here to tell you fools I'm not, I don't even have tik-tok"
Anthony- "well never had this happen"
Abby- "I really don't care who you are. As long as your not assholes, which you aren't"
Jaden- "your saying we are your friends"
Abby- "Hossler, slow your roll. Never said anything. You guys are cool. Consider yourself lucky. My first ever friend group" I say with a goofy smile.
Anthony- "What do you mean only friend group?"
Jaden- "Your telling my right here, right now that someone this beautiful doesn't have friends"

oops, I said too much. Damn it Abby.

(819 words)
A/n- Sorry if there is any misspelled word, I don't edit these❤️

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