Chapter 28

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Jaden's Pov

"Be safe, see you later" I hear Abby yell. I'm on my way to meet with my manger, I'm super excited about it. Only Abby knows about today, going to talk about my music. Ever since I was little this is something I've always wanted pursue music. Now I get to do to with the most amazing girl by side.

Honestly, she amazing. Perfect smile, amazing laugh, smooth silky hair, and her eyes. The glow, bright green eyes. She's everything you could ask for, really. She support people's no matter what and I'm really glad Anthony added her in that stupid group chat. I think I speak for everyone,  she kind of saved us. Now, we gotta save her. She's not safe here, none of the boys are but they are willing to stay. For me, which isn't fair. I just gotta look out for her.

Abby's Pov

"Be safe, see you later" I yell just as he walking out the door. I'm super excited for him, he's gonna make it far. Last night he showed me what he was gonna show his manger and it was really good.

Today's plan, I'm filming with the boys, some tiktok tea video. Still don't have Tiktok and I don't think I ever will, instagram is fine for me and everyone close has my number so really don't need anything else.

"Abby! Get down here!" I hear Josh yell. I only agreed to be in this for the boys, they want to introduce me or some crap. Honestly I don't mind as long as they don't make a big deal about anything.

"Coming!" and with that, I was off.


"Welcome back!"Josh starts and they all start screaming. I just sit there and laugh, shift uncomfortably in my seat. I'm sitting in between Anthony and Josh, right in the middle.

"Today, we have a special guest, Abby" Josh says, look at me. I just smile and give a small wave. I hear Anthony chuckle.

"What?" I say turning to him, he just shakes his head. I'm sorry I'm awkward.

A few minutes go by of them talking about random tiktok tea, stuff I have no clue so that's fine. Bryce and Josh are goofing around mostly but I did learn, Bryce was moving in from the hype house. They got into argument so he is now living here. This is something i'm okay with, he is able to keep Josh from breaking the place. Josh's hand had a few cuts still but it wasn't that bad, he still upset but he isn't letting get to him. I still have no clue what happened but I wasn't gonna ask, not my place.

"So, Jaden and Abby huh?" Griffin says, a little smirk on his face. My face turns beat red. How do they do this, I hate talking to people and cameras. I'm pretty shy if you don't know me. Other than that I'm wild.

"You made her speechless Grif" Kio start hysterically laughing his ass off. He was sitting on the other side of Ant so I leaned back and hit him in the back of the head. They all know me too well. He just starts laughing more which causes a small smile from my face.

"Next question" I say, look straight at Griffin. He just smiles.

"Fine, Josh got your eye on anyone?" He says, bring all the attention to him. Most of them are smiling except Anthony, he has a stone cold face. Did I miss something.

He rubs the back of his neck, his face goes a little red. "Yeah, actually there sweet" he manages to get out. I'm in shock because I thought I would hear of it. He brings his eyes towards me and gives me a soft smile then changes the subject. I obviously don't know something but not my place I guess.

"Okay, thank you for watching, bye!" Bryce says, shutting off the camera in front of us. As soon as he does that, Anthony storms off. Strange.

"Anyone know what's wrong with him?" I ask. Everyone quickly shakes their head no and heads up to there rooms. Well that work.

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