Chapter 22

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Abby's Pov

Last night was absolutely amazing. I could finally call Jaden mine. After everything i've been through he makes me really happy, and that's why I said yes. I don't like the idea of being in a relationship when I could easily break him, I'm just too hard to mange. I'm a mess but I said yes because I'm truly falling for this boy. The way he smiles, he caring, not rushing. He genuinely wants the best for me and I can see that. This is my first relationship with him and I couldn't be happier. Yesterday's date? or hangout I don't know what it was. I thinks date? Anyways was amazing. Once we were laying, under the stars, cuddling I just felt comfortable, which is something I never felt. I just opened and told him everything and he just listened give his input every so often, I needed that. I really just needed to get everything out of my system and I needed to get things off my chest. Last night was that night. What was the cutest how Jaden made this whole speech, It was cute but it makes me laugh looking back at it. He just rambled all his feelings to me and it was Jaden speaking, not his angered side, worried, or quick to think or judge. Last night we let our guard down and he spoke from truly us, and I loved that. We decide to go back to the Sway house, yes they named the house a few days ago. There absolutely idiots. They really are, but there my idiots. Griffin is the dad of the group, then Josh is the trouble makers, Bryce is over a lot making it 10x worse but hey, I love it. Kio is the quiet on but he still there, making everyone laugh. Anthony is the clown the this house. The goofball energy. Jaden is the rockstar, he likes to play around but he's chill and they have accepted me as glue or whatever shit they came up with. From what was Josh and Bryce told me (ik Bryce doesn't live there) i'm the glue, the mom, the weird one, basically all of them but I hold them together. Weirdos but they make me happy. For the first time in my life, I can say sitting here in the one and only Hossler arms, I'm happy. I love being in this house with everyone and I love that I have the best perso-boyfriend in the world, I really do.

Right now, I just woke up. Well I've been up for a few minutes staring at Jaden. Yes staring. Just looking at how he hair falls perfectly when he sleeps or the way he sleeps, at ease. He's comforting when he sleeps, the peaceful boy just laying there. I got real lucky in life I really did. We must of fell asleep watching a movie last night because we are on the couch but I don't mind. As i'm just sitting there looking at my boy, I hear at least 3 grown men giggling at the doorway of the living room (imagine the house). I look towards there way to see Josh, Bryce, and Anthony standing there watching us like stalkers.

"You guys are little kids" I say to them, loud enough for them to hear but not enough to wake Jaden. They all walk out smiling, which causes me to smile. I know what there thinking and it's sweet they care. I decide to just snuggle back into Jaden. I dig my head into the side of his chest and I just close my eyes, listening to his heart beating, the most memorizing sound in this world. It one of the many things he has that calms me down, especially his eyes. Did I mention how easily lost you can get into them, well you can. They bring a wave of certain over me, or ease you could say, the same way his heart beats. I know if i'm not close enough to hear his heart, I can always see his eyes. That's something he will never lose and I'm more then glad I can call him mine, after a month or so of knowing him. Anyone would kill to be where I am, or would they?

a/n: Am I going too slow? I don't want to drag it on or anything but I haven't even gotten anywhere close to where I wanna end this. I might do a sequel just to fit everything in. Anyways, this chapter was for Abby to get her thought on last night. We already got look at Jaden's but the next chapter will be his. I just wanted to get into the vibe of how Abby has been staying over at the house and so has Bryce? Tea? but how the relationship of everyone else is going. I imagine pretty wild and goofy because there teenage boys, what do you expect. Anyways. Please let me know if I'm going to slow and if you actually read these or i'm wasting my time:)

Also, I realized tonight this is want to do with my life. I wanna write. Which is a slight problem considering i'm going into school for math.. eek. But I love this too much:)

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OKAY, thank you for 5K and 102 votes. THAT IS INSANE, i never thought I'd get this far🥺❤️

(not doing questions because keeping this short)

(870 words)

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