Chapter 11

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Abby's Pov

I look up at him. He's was looking at me. His eyes. Those blue eyes. Could light up a room. I relax once again. There something about him that calms me down. A lot. We are both sitting there, everything is zoned out. Just us. He looks at my lips and back up to my eyes. Let me tell you something, I have never kissed anyone. I think that was pretty obvious. I never had a boyfriend or a guy to kiss. I feel myself getting nervous. Do I know why? no. It's not like he's gonna kiss me right. Wait what.

"Can I try something?" he ask, he doesn't look away though. That's when my mind started racing. Everything from the past hour is off my mind. He did that some how.

What if I sucked at kissing? What if he didn't like it?
What if-

"Abby calm down" I hear him say while laughing.

Was it that bad? Shit, abby come on. Keep it cool. Before I could say anything, I feel his two finger go under my chin and he leans in but he stops right when our lips are centimeters apart. I could feel his breath. It sent shivers down my spine. Then, our lips connect and he kisses me slowly and I kissed him back. Damn this boy. I just met him and for some reason, he on my mind all the time.  He pulls away not saying a word and we are both looking at each other smiling. He then takes his thumbs and he wipes my face, then wiping it on his shirt.

"It's okay. Your not alone okay?" he tells me. I don't say anything. I look down and I smile to myself. Even though I wasn't thinking about anything that happened. There were tears in my eyes still. I guess even though your mind may not put you through the pain. Your heart will alway remember.

"Thank you" I say quietly, still looking down. We both don't say anything. I can feel the eyes burning on me though.

A/n- Did I write this during an english assignment,yes yes I did. Do I like this chapter. Not one bit, so I'm sorry if it's trash (it is). I may rewrite this in the near future.

-Also I don't know why I said cliffhanger. It really wasn't, I think you could tell what was going to happen at the end of last chapter💀

- Also, I do not check for spelling mistakes. I don't got time for that. So very sorry if something is misspelled:)

(416 words)

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