Chapter 8

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At this point, my cheeks are bright red and hot tears are steaming down my face. My car is parked next to a bridge. No, not that way. Down at the bottom of the creek, it a little area. I can't bring myself to get out of the car. I just can't. I'm alone in this world. Again. I need to calm down. I grab my phone from the passenger seat and I get out of the car and shut the door and I make my way down to the creek.

Jaden's Pov
I really haven't bugged Abby. She seemed really upset. Damn, We've been talking a lot the last three days. She has a heart of gold but I don't think she realizes. There's something about her. She has this gorgeous brown longish hair that goes just past her shoulders and her eyes. Damn her eyes. There a blueish green color and someone could easily get lost in them. She stated she never had a boyfriend before. Surprising no one has seen her beauty, not just on the outside.

"Jaden, hello?"
I look over and see the boys staring at me. "Yes?" "What you thinking about?" Josh asked. "Nothing, not thinking" they all laugh. "Funny bro, is it abby?"

My face turns a little bit of red. "No" I said lying. They all just laugh at me. I mean how could you not be thinking about someone that beautiful. I go to say something but i'm interrupted by my phone singing. I pull it out of my hoodie pocket and read it. It was from Abby.

*sharing location of Abby🥺*
ja, I need you.

I looked at the location and she was literally a block or so. By the bridge. Something was up, why the hell was she by a bridge going on 7pm at night. I never knew she even lived around here. I quickly texted her and I got up and ran out of the house and got into the car and drove. She needed me.

Abby's Pov


I texted Jaden. I was sitting at the bottom of the creek alone, in the dark balling my eyes out. I just needed someone to hug. I can't hug Katie, she's not near me. Me and Jaden have gotten a lot closer the past few days. He's different. I don't even know. I needed him here so I don't do something dumb, we all regret.  Before my mind wonders too far, my phone gets a ding causing it to blind me in my face.

I'm on my way, stay put.

I let out a huge sigh. I turn my phone off sticking under me and I just look up and close my eyes. Letting tears fall down my face "come on Hossler"

I open my eyes a few minutes later to someone calling my name. I open them and I look up the path to my right. Sure enough, it was Jaden. He spotted me and he came over to me. When he was close enough. I got up and I ran to him and I hugged him. He gave me the biggest hug I ever had. I felt safe, a weight lift off my shoulder. As soon as he brought me close, I calmed down.

A/n- Bit of a shorter one. I'll update you all tomorrow:)

(563 words)

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