Chapter 24

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Jaden's Pov

Breakfast was fun, the whole time we just talked like normal, she couldn't stop smiling though. She's cute. Although, I do have to make fun of her on what she got. Like a two year old, mickey mouse pancakes, yes you heard me right. Like a 2 year old, that was fucking adorable. The waiter laughed at her though which made her nervous and caused me to burst into a fit of laughter and she just slapped my arm. I just laughed, she's weird.
Abby's Pov

Uggg, Jaden's making fun of because I got mickey mouse pancakes. He's a meanie, there cute and they were cheaper so I don't know why he is complaining. He ended up paying after the countless minutes of us going at each other, in a nice way. Ha, who was I kidding, we were acting like two year olds. It was fun though.

We were walking up the drive way to hi-the Sway house. Such a dumb name, the house doesn't sway but okay boys. As we get closer and closer, I can hear two people auguring, strange. I don't think Jaden can hear that, he's too busy laughing. As we closer, the yelling gets louder and louder, causing me to jump every time. Been in a few abusive households when I was younger, didn't think it still affected me. I guessed wrong. Jaden immediately stopped when he seen me jump and he started listening to the surroundings to see what's i'm jumping over. I'm guessing he heard the auguring because his face grew of concern.

"What the?" he mutters. We are at the door now. Just as I'm about to open the door, it swings open. Before I can think to do anything, Jaden grabs me by the waist and pulls me closer to him so I don't get trampled by who ever is on the other side. It's a girl i've never seen before. Brown hair silky hair, beautiful green eyes and she's stunning. Skinny, short, girl, she looks incredible but who was she. She does a quick look at me then storms out of the house.

"well fuck" I hear Jaden say under his breath. I just stand there, not know what to do. Jaden grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers together and he walks first into the house. As soon as we step in, I hear something smash. That alone makes me jump, I guess I still have a soft spot for things like that. I think Jaden can sense that scared me because he held onto my hand tighter. We then hear someone yell something. We go to where the yelling is coming from, the living room. As soon as we get close enough, we see Josh is sitting there in tears, with a bloody fist.

I can't just let him stand there, because I know how that feels. I unwrap my hand from Jaden and I start walking. It only last a spilt second when Jaden grabs my wrist.

"Are you insane?" he just has a dead serious look on his face. I just look at him and I shake him off me. I open the glass door and the crying boy doesn't move. He has both of his hands in his head, his eyes closed. I have no clue who that girl was but something happened.

"Josh" I say as softly as I can, trying not to startle him. He doesn't say anything but he opens his eyes and he just looks at me, there all red and puffy.

"Go away" he says. There is strain in his voice, I hate seeing people sad, it breaks my heart. I know how it feels to have no one. It almost costed me.

I don't say anything, I just walk over to him. I know he isn't going to land a hand on me. I think the boys think that because I can hear them all whispering behind me, out of sight though because I didn't see them when I came in here. As i'm walking towards him, I see a glass vase smashed over by the living room wall. It's in at least 20 pieces, everywhere. I let out a huge sigh, I'm finally close enough to him.

"Ab, I said go" he says, this time a little more sternly but there still is a strain in voice. I know he's trying to hide it. I reach up, yes on my tippy toes. I'm short and I grab his hands and I wrap them around my waist. Then I bring him into a tight hug. I feel him let out a deep breath and he hugs me back, tightly. That's when he just loses it. It must have been serious.

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