Chapter 16

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yeah, your probably wondering what's going on. You see Jaden and I were talking a bit after we woke up. His dumbass didn't see the post about us cuddling, somehow he was on instagram? Anyways, Some girl showed him while we were playing truth or dare and now Anthony is getting chased throughout the house. I honestly don't mind it up but I know Jaden hates rumors about relationships and he likes to take things slow, or what I heard.

"My man, Im Sorry. YOU GUYS WERE CUTE!" Anthony screeches as he is trying to run away from Jaden. As for the rest of us, we are sitting laughing watching this unfold. It's pretty funny.

All the sudden, Reeves decides it's gonna be a good idea  to run behind me and in brace me in a hug, trying to get away from Jaden because he knows he won't lay a hand on me.

"Anthony get off her, I'm not touching her" Jaden says, You can tell he isn't trying to laugh.

"Look Jaden, why don't we just take it out on her and we tickle her?" Anthony suggest.

"Woah, you came over buddy" "Nah Ant, let's do it" that's when you start being tickled, I hate being tickled. There both next to me tickling you, may I add for no reason. Eventually Josh joins in and I'm laughing so hard I can't breathe.

"B-oys, s-t-o-p i-t" I say in between laughs. They all stop and look at you "or what?" I say "or i'm calling your mom's" there eyes go wide. Everyone in the room burst out laughing. They all back away except Jaden. He sits down on the floor next to me and he kisses the side of my head "sorry about that". My face goes completely red but only Jaden notices. "Glad to see I make you blush Ab" he says whispering in my ear. It's weird, this boy has an affect on me like no other. He's careful with me and he knows me and it's weird. I never had a person in my life the way Jaden has been, or any of the boys.

3rd person view
The rest of the night was spent with the group. Abigail and Jaden were flirting the whole night. There bond was something more than friends but they didn't see that. There made for each other, or so everyone thinks. You see, Jaden has a few secrets of his own that his own miss Abigail doesn't know about, and she never will... or will she. Let's leave it to say, Jaden isn't what he seems to be. However that's not gonna stop him from becoming close to Abby, he loves her, even though all he is gonna do is hurt her (!not purposely may I add!).

A/n- Soo, what's Jaden hiding??????? ehehhehehe. Anyways, if anyone hasn't told you today, I love you, your worth and your beautiful❤️

(496 words)

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