Chapter 31

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Abby's Pov

The night was a blur,  I really didn't remember much, got wasted, danced and let loose. I just enjoyed myself with my friends.

I had fun, I really did but I can't stop thinking if there gonna leave. I think i'll be forever traumatized by my past. I can't bring myself to forget and act like everything is okay, I guess I just gotta live my life how it is and hope for the best, that's all I can do.

My eyes flutter open. I had a massive hangover, my head was throbbing, were they really that bad. I look around whatever room I'm in, realizing it's Jaden's room and nothing, it's actually pretty clean, it also doesn't have a Jaden.

I let out a deep sigh, my head was pounding and it wouldn't go away, how much did I drink? I look down to see if i'm still in my dress, to my surprise i'm not. In Jaden's tee-shirt. I quickly look under the blankets.

Underwear still on, thank god. I was not ready for that.

I get up from his bed, making my way downstairs, slowly, not trying to fall downstairs.

When I'm close enough to the bottom, I can hear a few people talking, on of them Jaden.  When I get to the bottom of the stairs, it makes a big creek, causing everyone to look over at me. I give them a weak smile and they all laugh.

"Baby, you look horrible" Jaden chuckles. I don't give him any face, just standing there. He opens his arms and I walk over to him. When i'm close enough, I wrap my arms around his waist and dig my head into his chest. The bright light was blinding me making it worse.

Jaden starts to rub my back and kisses my forehead.

"How much did I drink" I groan. I wasn't a drinkers but like I said, I just let loose.

"Maybe 10,12 I wasn't really counting" he says quietly, his voice was soothing.

The boys go back to talking, quietly, for a bit. I hear them mention Jaden's music, which caught my interest. I completely forgot he was going to do that.

"How did it go" I mumble at him, picking my head up looking at him. He gives he a sympathetic smile. "Good" before I could say anything else, he brought me back into a hug, honestly I wasn't complaining. I already took some Advil the boys gave me just a few minutes ago so there nothing else I could do. I just stood there close to Jaden listening to his heart beating, it was helping my headache though so I called it a win.

The whole day was me spent in bed, in the dark. Light was hurting my eyes and my headache didn't go away. Jaden by my side the whole time, we talked most of the time but he didn't want to leave me. Honestly it was silly,  looks like drinking gives me bad hangovers, good to know.

I haven't seen much of Josh, but I do believe he tried to make a move on me, minor detail. I don't even remember if he did or not, too drunk to remember.

I decide to address the issue tomorrow, after I slept and could remember anything from that night.

a/n: needed and filler chapter so this is short but here we go:)


Are you allergic to anything?

Do you have Led Lights?

What's something. you've always wanted to learn?

Do you know anyone different languages? Sign language?

What's your favorite music genre?

Is there a teacher that you will never forget? Why?

How is everyone doing with Covid? Has your area or place been lifted?

How are you today?

Do you regret opening up to anyone?

How many people have you dated if any?

Is grey's anatomy over rated?

Favorite movie? TV show?

Favortive Youtuber? Of your childhood?

I love you and your worth it❤️

thank you for 29k:)🥺❤️

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