Chapter 29

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7 Day time skip

It been a week since Jaden music thing has started. He's been constantly out in the studio or with his manger but I don't mind. It has gave me time to go back to my home for a bit, get a few thing with school switched over, yes you heard me right, switched over. Going online to be the boys more and focus on myself. I'm excited, never really had friends at school so I could care less. But yes, I got to spend 3 peaceful days to myself this week. Just in a quiet house, facetimed Katie, watching some netflix and hulu, workout, yes I was sort of productive. Crazy.

Josh has been acting super weird the last few days, more like week. Ever since he posted that tiktok tuesday, all the guys have been. Except Anthony and Ja, they've been normal but Ant has been more tense around the other guys. It's not my business though so I will not put myself in it, it's not important. Josh has been awful clingy lately, also super close when we talk. Always sitting super close to me and I'm just confused on why, he was chill with me a while ago. I probably did something but I don't know what, is it really my problem though, I don't think so. Josh needs to get over whatever I did, there's no way he likes me, he wouldn't do that to Jaden right?

"Abby? hello" Katie says through the laptop, where facetiming and she is helping me get ready for the party the boys are throwing. Jaden's telling everyone about the song tonight and i'm super excited about it, I hope everyone is too. He'll always have my back though. I also get to reconnect with some of the girls, Avani, Mads, Charli, Dixie, Addison. I'm super excited.

"yeah yeah sorry, so the blue dress or yellow?" I asked. She just sits there for a minute. "Go try the blue one on and come back" I just simply nod and I go try on the dress, I think she actually bought me.

 "Go try the blue one on and come back" I just simply nod and I go try on the dress, I think she actually bought me

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(I wanna look like that🥺)
"Omg Ab, yesss please wear that" She exclaims though he phone. I just smile, it isn't my favorite thing in the world but I do like it. However, not normally the showy or dress person so I'm just gonna wear a jean jacket over it, but it shouldn't look too bad.

I hear Katie's mom call her, so we say our good bye and we hang up. I'm gonna keep my everyday makeup look and straighten my hair and that's it. Not too fancy but cute and party type, this is gonna be fun.

Incoming call.... Hossler😏🙈
accept decline

I hit accept, of course.

"Hey baby, how are you?" his voice comes through the phone, I haven't heard his voice or seen him in awhile, 2 days actually. Been busy like I said but I don't care, as long as he is happy.

"Hey ja, just getting ready. How are you" I say, smiling. He always makes me smile, for no reason.

"I'm good, I miss you. Your coming tonight right?"

"mhm, wouldn't miss it. I'll make my way over now. I'll see you later, by bubba" and I hang up the phone. I grab my purse and phone and I lock everything up and off to a party I go, one of my first actually.

a/n: little short, need some tea so this is gonna be fun. I'll write the party but tomorrow as it's gonna be a longer chapter. Anyways, I don't like this book but let me know if you do, I could have done better <3

( if any of these you are not comfortable with, don't answer them)

What is something you miss or someone you miss?

Airpods or Headphones?

Who is the last person you cried in front of?

What did you ever want to try but never had the courage to do?

If you died tonight, what you regret not doing?

Name the 5 most beautiful things in life.

Do you believe in second chances?

I love you, your more than worth it, dm's are open. Come talk to me, I check them❤️🥺🌻

Thank you for 13K <3

Also, I feel proud, I was sort of productive today:)

(727 words)

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