Chapter 18

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Abby's Pov

It's noon at the moment and everyone is getting there last minute things together. We're going out to lunch like I said. I'm super excited, I really want to get to know everyone better. To be honest I need a few friends even if they are famous. Which honestly surprises me on how I ended up here but hey, no complaints. However, the fools take forever to get ready, they really do.

"Your gonna be late if you all don't hurry up" I yell throughout there house. I swear, I mother them. Before I can say anything else I hear 5 boys running down the stairs at once sounding like a heard of buffalos causing me too laugh. Once there all down stairs, they all look at me and smile. They all look nice not even gonna lie but Jaden just hits different. He's wearing this black shirt that's unbuttoned almost all the way with a pair of black jeans, he looks put together. I snap out of whatever gaze i'm in.

"Look at you all" I say trying not to laugh. Josh rolls his eyes and he starts to walk out the door, on the way out taking his hand and hitting me lightly in the back of the head, I can't help but laugh. That's Josh for you. We're taking two cars, mine and the boys so I can head home, it's quite a drive from here to 'my house' but it's worth it to be with my boys. We all get into the cars. With me there's Kio, Jaden, and Griffin and the other two boys in the other car. I don't know why but there trusting me to drive, certainly don't mind just don't know my way around here very well.

"Ab, please please don't get us killed" I hear Griffin say from the back. I laugh a bit and I look at him from the small mirror hanging from the roof of my car (idk what they called💀). "Very funny Griffin". He just smiles. I put the keys in and we are off.

-Skip the drive because i'm lazy:)-

"YAY! we didn't get killed" all the boys start cheering. I roll my eyes and I step out of the car instantly taken in by California air. It's crisp and fresh. I really don't know how to describe, live here my whole life and still haven't found the word for it yet. Where at this little Cafe Mads found. Close to the beach, so you can here the waves. Everyone isn't here yet so we go in a get a big enough table for all 17 of us. As soon as we walk in, you get a whiff of food cooking. It's a pretty put together little diner. It's styled beach theme with vines going up the walls and fairy lights and plants everywhere. It's honesty adorable.

(^^ I pictured something along that line

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(^^ I pictured something along that line.)

I'm glad Madison found this place. The 5 of us go find a table and we all sit next to each other. I'm next to Anthony and Jaden.

We wait a few minutes until everyone gets there. Once they do, they all come sit next to us. You can hear a few gasp from people eating around us. I feel uneasy. Like I have mention. I'm not big at all and now i'm sitting here with a bunch of famous creators acting like i'm apart of the group, weird. I think Jaden can tell i'm uneasy because he has his hand on my knee, which I just realize is bouncing up and down, making little circles with his thumb. This boy drives me crazy.

-After lunch( I don't feel like writing that, sowwy:()-

We are just finishing up. Honesty it's amazing. We been here for 2 hours laughing. There really cool people, I see why people are crazy about them. There amazing people. They acted like I was just apart of there group, which was very comforting to be honest. It was nice, never done these before. We all decide to go our separate ways so we all get up and I say bye to everyone and I start heading to my car. I was just about to get in when I hear someone call my name. I turn and look behind me and I see Hossler standing there with a smile. He runs over to me and kisses my forehead "be safe love" and he runs back to his car. My face turns bright red and I get into the car and I just sit there for a moment. Smiling to myself, I start to drive thinking about the one and only Hossler.

A/n- Hello:) I'm going to try to update tonight, atm got school meeting so I will see. You guys are worth it and I love you❤️

(812 words)

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