Chapter 26

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My first reaction is to go to her, so that's what I did. Once I'm close enough to her, I engulf her hug, wrapping my arms around her waist and hugging her tight. I think she liked that. We stayed like that for what felt like forever but was only a few minutes until she opened her mouth.
End of recap....

3rd person
As soon as the broken girl opened her mouth, she closed it. Not being able to find the words to tell him. She's broken, hurt, but the only thing on her mind is why. Why does this have to happen. She doesn't deserve Jaden. However she is wrong, Jaden doesn't deserve her. The broken fragile girl in front of him doesn't know his deep secret. He is scared she'll run, be forever in fear, more than she already is and that break his heart. Maybe there both broken...

Abby's Pov

I got engulfed into a hug. I don't know what to say. It's one of the only times I can't say anything. Speechless. Normally if your close to me, you know, my mind runs a mile a minute. Always thinking, always having something to talk about. This time, nothing. I'm crying over something that happened in my past that I can't change it. Normally, I don't get worked up about these things I can't change, this just brought something. Flight or Fight. I froze. I never told anyone this, some homes were bad. Always throwing things, always screaming, always abusing. It was scary, my 10 year old self couldn't do anything. At that age, I thought it was kind of normal, of course not extremely normal just everyone had met someone in there life like this, now I see that's not the case. I remember crying every single night, shaking, wanting my parents. Now, Reliving that is stressful, horrible.

"Love, calm down" I hear someone whispering in my ear. I pull away completely forgetting everything, lost in my deep empty thoughts. It was Jaden, somehow I forgot that. I just dig my head back into his chest and I hug him tighter. This isn't me, it's never been this bad, ever. I feel his hand start to run down my lower back while I'm just sobbing. My breathing picked up, i'm freaking out over something that I thought I forgot, left in the past.

Suddenly, I feel hands go right under my butt then myself being lifted into Jaden's hold. He brings my out of the living room then outside. The boys probably think i'm a freak. He sets me down and grabs my shoulders and pulls me away from him so he can look at me. The first thing is notice is his eyes. Those beautiful ocean blue eyes. I focus on those, that the only thing that could calm me down. His eyes and only his.

He takes his hands and he cups my face, taking his thumbs and wiping off my cheeks, where there black mascara and tear stains running down my face. However, I'm only focused on his eyes. I was right, the only thing that calms me down are his eyes. Full of peace, worry, love. His eyes at the time remind me of the ocean, that's why I call them his ocean blue eyes. There calming just like the ocean is, you could tell his feeling just in his eyes, just like the ocean knows the weather or the moon. They all come together. That's why I love his eyes, there his and there calming.

A few minutes have past, I've calmed down a to a point where my breathing is normal and i'm me again. Jaden has been calming me down this whole time, talking, rubbing my arms. I wouldn't say it was a panic attack, more like a mini breakdown. 

"I'm s-sorry. I didn't mean to freak out" I mange to spit out. Jaden just looks at me, worried still in his eyes that I'm still hooked on his blue eyes.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. What happened" he emphasized. I just look at him, saying nothing. Looking for the right words to spit out.

I think he got the memo because he brought me into, yet again, another hug. Holding me close.

Jaden's Pov-
I bring her into a hug, holding her close. I took her outside so she didn't feel embarrassed and could talk to me. Not that she should feel embarrassed but the boys still don't know, except Ant but he hasn't been here in awhile, surprised there all here today.

"Abusive Foster homes" she mumbles into my chest. My heart drops, she never told me anything about that. That's why she was jumping when she heard yelling and that's why she freaked out and yelled. I hold her tighter. She normally doesn't let this stuff bother her, she strong and she does whatever she wants, i've never seen her like this. It must have scared her enough.

"I feel so stupid ja, I let that get to me" she says. You can hear the strain in her voice.

"Hey, your not stupid. They would understand if they knew okay. Love I promise it's not your fault" I tell her. Her eyes are still puff and have a gloss over them. My heart aches for her. She doesn't deserve this, no one does.

It's been a few minutes. She's completely calmed down but we haven't spoke about it, I don't expect her too. She's stopped crying and she hasn't said much but I can tell I helped, even though all I did was rub her back. She's still pretty upset though. We both agreed it would be a good idea to let the tension in the house calm down and take a nap. Not that I'm tired but she could use sleep. I kissed her forehead and we headed back in the house. She didn't even look at anyone, her eyes glued to the floor and she just walked up the stairs, past everyone in the hallway. I follow closely behind giving Anthony a look. I think he got the memo because his face dropped. I don't how much she has told him but he knows enough. She's gonna on edge all day.

a/n: I realize how much I don't like this book but imma continue because I need too for myself. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this. If your from my tiktok, sorry for not posting. Something to do with Corona is happening in my family so been worried about a few things. Anyways, much love❤️.


Minecraft or Roblox? Argue

Favorite sport?

Dream Date?

Dream Man or Women?

Do you like Tiktok today?

Favorite thing to do of all time?

Hangout spot?

Do you have any friends, if so how many and y'all what's your favorite thing about them?

Dream pet?

What calms you down?

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Your worth, love you all, dm's are open❤️

Actually insane, we were at 7K yesterday and now 8K today

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Actually insane, we were at 7K yesterday and now 8K today. I don't write for views but thank you🥺 It means the world❤️

(1205 words)

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