Chapter 32

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-6 months later-

6 months have gone by, 6. Me and Jaden are thriving, I really couldn't be happier. He makes me happy.

We do everything together, I even moved in. The boys thought since I was here 24/7 anyways, I should just move in. I agreed and now we are here.

I honestly love everyone here. I've grown so close to each and everyone of them, even members of the hype house, they don't come around anymore.

The whole thing with Bryce kinda made tension between the two houses but I'm still good friends with everyone there, especially Addison and Avani. Since there over 24/7 anyways, we became close, they've became my rock while i've been here and we help each other through anything.

They basically live here now anyways, we have all out clothes in on closet, just to share them so when they do come around, which is almost everyday, they have clothes of there own. They come and go as they please in the closet and I really don't mind. I end up wearing Jaden's hoodies and sweats almost everyday anyways.

Things are going good for Jaden. He released his song, it's called Comatose and I'm very proud of him, it's doing well too. He worked hard for it and I couldn't be happier. He is doing what he loves and being the rockstar I know he can be.

Things are going amazing right now, my mental health is high, everything is working out. Jaden seems in a awfully better mood since last week as well. Something happened but I haven't bugged him, maybe it's a surprise? He's acting weird never less.

The only thing I have to complain about is Josh. I know I shouldn't complain in any way shape or form about the people I live with but he's been acting weird. Been a lot closer whenever we around and makes subtle moves when no one is looking. I love Josh, I really do but as a friend. I have Jaden and it's just been weird so i've been avoiding him, at all cost.

Anyway, life has moved on and there's a party tonight. We are going to just have fun, we have been so focused on social media we never really have had the time to be teenagers. So we are here, going to a buddy of Jaden's party.

I should talk about the social media thing, yeah I gained over 15 million followers on instagram..... yeah. People just started to see me more so I guess they followed, I still only have instagram and I do youtube videos for the boys so i'm not that big. Just sort of a background character, or a extra. Which is something I don't mind, I hate the spot light and always have.

"Ab, What color dress are you wearing?" Avani calls out. I honestly don't know, nor really care. The girl want to match someway tonight, again don't know why.

"Maybe red?" I shout back. She doesn't respond so I go back to playing on my phone.

A few minutes later she comes out with a short dark red dress I don't even know where she got it from but it looks stunning.

A few minutes later she comes out with a short dark red dress I don't even know where she got it from but it looks stunning

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"Here" and she hands me it. I just give her a confused look. She just smiles and walks off.

I try it on and I loved it. It just looked good on me in a way. I been feeling more confident since i've been with Jaden, he's just been hyping me up more, leading into random boost of confidence, like right now.

I stand there, in front of the mirror admiring myself. I don't do it too often so I take the moment while I can.

"Girl, you look stunning" Avani says, coming out in a black dress, similar to mine but different straps. My jaw literally drops to the floor. I've never gotten over how gorgeous she is, her curves suit her and she looks effortless but so hot at the same time. I'm glad she my best friend.

We both end up gawking over each other for what seems like and hours before we have to go meet the rest of the gang at a diner shop before the party. We decide to go out as friends, just taking in every opportunity we got.

We finished up the last bits and we headed off to meet everyone, however, I had feeling tonight wasn't gonna go well.

a/n: I just realized how one bit of hate can ruin my whole mood.


Do you believe in an After life?

What is something you do every night? If anything

Favorite emojis?

Do you believe in young love or love at first sight?

Is there one person you could count on no matter what? If so, go thank them.

Describe your first ex. If you have one.

Have many houses have you lived in?

Where do you go to think?

What's your dream or goal in life?

Have you ever got in trouble for something stupid? If so, I wanna know💀 I'm talking dumb dumb.

What's the stupidest thing you got grounded for?

I love you and your worth it, dm's are open. Come talk to me:)❤️

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