Chapter 7

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*3 days later*
Have they came back yet, no. Haven't heard a single word from them. I've been chilling in my car just living you could say. Mostly sitting there thinking. I think a lot and most of the time it's deep thoughts. I once again get interrupted by the one and only Hossler

Incoming call... Hossler😒🙈
accept decline

"Hello Ab's" He says as soon as I answer. He's been calling my Ab lately, don't know why but he has. "Hi Hossler" that's my new nickname for him. Me and the boys have gotten closer. Or we have been talking more. We only talk about the little things. Nothing big. Found out there the big deal in LA. Jaden writes music and Josh and Anthony are tiktok stars. "How are you" he says with his crooked smile. He knows I hate when he does that "I'm okay, and you?" he starts to smile more "Well, bored. It's Saturday and nothings going on" "Where the boys" I asked. My phone is propped up against the windshield and the dashboard and I'm sitting in the driver seat, crisscrossed. "Out with friends. I didn't want to go" "Good Job Hossler. So your bugging me" he starts to stutter "n-no, am I b-bugging you" I can't help but burst out laughing. He's weird. "No, bored myself" then it hits me "what day is it?" Jaden looks over to the side "March 13th" my heart sank. My parent's died today, this is the date that changed my life. I normally forget about it, damn it. Jaden notice my sudden mood change and just looks at me, his smile slowly fading "What's today" he asked, sounding more like a statement. "um, I gotta go. I'll talk to you later" "Abiga-" I hung up before he could say anything else. 12 years with out them, 12. More than 50 different foster homes and nothing as changed. I'm still alone.

"Abby, come to mommy" I started laughing. I slowly get up and I slowly start walking to her. My mommy. Daddy was behind her. When I got to her the picked me up and scooped me into the biggest hug ever. "I'm so proud of you sweetheart" my dad says kissing my forehead"
*End of flashback*

That was when I first learned how to walk. My parents were the best parents anyone could ask for. Always loving and sweet. They died too soon, I never got to even say goodbye. I didn't even realize I was crying still a felt a drop on my hand. I look in the visor of the car and see I was in full blown tears. My eyes were all puffy and my cheeks were bright red. I quick closed the visor and I started the car. Where I was driving too. My dad's spot.

On the way there, I tried my best not to lose it. It would be dangerous if I couldn't see. That's a given. About a few minutes have past and I felt my cheeks go back to normal. That didn't last long at all

Incoming call... (xxx-xxx-xxx)
accept decline

I picked up my phone and answered it incase it was my foster parents
(Do not text and drive, very bad)

"Hello?" I quickly said. There was a lump in my throat making it hard to talk.
"Hi is this Abigail Rose?" a old sounding women asked. Never heard her in my life
"Yes, that would be me"
"Oh, hunny we are sorry to inform your, Rachel Hopkins, and George Hopkins have died in a plane crash."
Once again my heart sank to the bottom of chest. I didn't know them. I have been in there home for 3 weeks. I'm upset because once again, they left or died. I couldn't control it anymore. I bursted our crying.
"Abigail, it's going to be okay. It say here your in the foster system correct" she was very sweet and I could tell her felt sorry for me. I didn't respond. I couldn't.
"Abby, hunny. It's going to be okay. I will call you soon to let you calm down to talk about a few things with there departer" and she hug up the phone. I threw my phone in the seat next to me. This really can not be happening. This day can't get any worse.

A/n- Hope you all are liking this so far
(743 words)

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