Chapter 27

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Abby's Pov

I wake up too someone talking, not in the room but maybe next door. I slightly open my eyes to see a sleeping Jaden next to me but indeed people talking. Sounds like Anthony and Josh? Maybe, or Bryce. I'm still embarrassed with myself, I shouldn't of freaked out like that. It the last and it needs to stay that way, forgotten. I really don't want to explain to the boys either. I decide to take a shower, to ease my mind.

I get out of Jaden's grip and I go to his closet, that is now partly mine. I'm over here soo much I have a few odds and ends here. I grab a pair of shorts and one of Jaden's hoodies and I head into the bathroom.

When I come back out, I see Jaden sitting on his bed, on Tik-tok. He really doesn't like the app too much. He rather do music but he finds it fun, that why he doesn't post often. I'm really excited for him. He is gonna go far with this whole music thing. He has a voice of an angel, calm, soothing. He is meeting with his manger tomorrow, I think, to throw the offer or idea out there then go from there. I'm really happy for him.

"Come here" I hear Jaden say, with a soft voice. I think he's still worried about me, I mean I would be too. I feel bad I made the boys watch or hear that.

As soon as i'm close enough he grabs by my waist and he pulls me over him and wraps his arms around me so I can't escape.

"You okay?" he ask, I just simply nod, wrapping my arms around his neck, kissing his nose. I love how he cares. I smile grows on his face when I did this, he's cute.

"I'm fine, I feel bad though" I say, watching his beautiful ocean eyes that are looking at me. He tightens his arms around my waist and does the same thing I did, kisses my nose.

"The lips would have been better but I'll accept the nose" He chuckles. He makes me happy.

"Back into your thought you go" he says, a small smile still on his face. He jokes about this a lot. I just let out a small smile. This boy is cute. It goes quiet for a bit, both of us looking into each other's eyes. Getting lost in them once again.

This boy, Jaden is something else. He is an effect on me like no one else. Always willing to make me smile, laugh but he also there when I'm freaking out, when I'm scared or just when i'm in need of someone. He's there, always, and I Love that. Having someone there, my whole life has been alone, now I got him. He sort of saved me.

"Can we come in" I hear someone say, once again breaking my thoughts and making me jump a bit, still a bit jumpy. Jaden just laughs "Yeah".

Then all at once, they all come trampling in. All 5 of them, Bryce included. He's been over a lot. Before either me or Ja could say anything, they all come trampling on top of us, like a hug group hug and some how I end up on the bottom. I can't help but laugh.

"Guys, you are heavy" I complain, no one moves.

"Shut up Shorty, your stuck down there until we know your better" Anthony says. I can see the smile on his face.

There cute and there the best thing that's happened in my life for awhile, I finally found my home with the people I love the most, and that means the world.

a/n: me don't like this but me if forcing myself to write and do this because I don't give up, so enjoy this crappy chapter. Also, currently writing another book, should I publish it or wait till this one is over? It's called Memories: ).

I love you and your worth it🖤

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