Chapter 30

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^song if fire

I got to the boy's house, and as expected, it was jammed packed. You could hear the music inside, people everywhere, you could smell the alcohol from here. It reeked. I was actually finding myself nervous.

You know that wave where it hits you, like regret, that's me. What if Jaden doesn't like my outfit, is it too out there, what if I'm not a party girl. I'm not none of theses things. It scares me, this boy has been to countless parties and this being my first one scares the shit out of me.

I push all the nerves out of me and I focus on having fun, letting loose, just enjoying life. I really never get a chance to do that. Always tense and always in fear in a short of way. I'm just so used to be people leaving, I worry Jaden or someone is going to do the same that means so much to me.

I let out a sigh then a small smile and I head inside. As soon as I step foot into the door, the alcohol smell is intensifies, also the smell of either weed or cigarettes. I think both. I'm honestly not surprised though, most of these kids are college students or just coming out of school. Damn, they really know a lot of people.

I push my way through the crowd, either trying to find Jaden, Anthony, or any of the girls. I've only been talking to Avani lately and Addison, there over a lot here due to them dating Ant and Bryce. Yes you heard me right, they are dating. I'm super proud of Bryce, he had his head on right enough to get what was his, and that's exactly what he did. He almost didn't ask her out, I talked him into it. Anthony on the other hand, I knew he was going to do it soon, he was just waiting for the right time. He wanted it to be special at it was. She couldn't stop smiling when she told me, same with Anthony. I super happy for them.

I mange to find Avani and Addison with both of there boys so I head over to them. They don't seem too drunk yet so that's a plus.

"Hey Abby! You actually came" Anthony shouts. I smile and I hug him, we are like brothers and sisters so this is a normal thing and Avani knows that.

"Girl! you look amazing" Avani whispers into my ear. She looked better, she had a red silky dress on that outlines her perfect body. She had a jean jacket similar to the one I had one and black boots. She looked stunning.

Addison had a black dress, also hugging her perfect body. She didn't have anything over her shoulders and white heels, again looks stunning. Me I was in my blue dress with black heels with a jacket, nothing special.

"Aww, I could say the same for you" I give her a smile.

"Jaden's gonna drool over you, you know that right" Bryce comments. I just shrug.

"Does anyone know where he is?" I ask, changing the subject from me. Addison nods and she points to him, he's at the top of the stairs alone texting someone. Weird, probably his manger. I wave the group bye and I make my way up the stairs.
Jaden's Pov

I was standing towards the top of the stairs, texting mads. She won't leave me alone lately whenever Ab isn't around. It's annoying me but she needed help with her family issues so I helped her. I can't just leave he stranding.

Me and Mads had a "thing" before I met Abigail. We met and we talked for awhile but never made things official. She will always be a good friend of mine but lately she's been up my ass. It's getting on my nerves, I really don't know what she's doing nor do I care.

I hear someone walking up the stairs, I've been waiting for Abby for maybe 20 minutes now, on the top so it easier to find me. I know she hates crowded places so I went we're there's barley anyone, maybe 3 people wondering up here.

I look up and sure enough it's her. My mouth instantly drops. She looks stunning.  The blue dress she has one matches her body well, and her hair is simple yet so complex. She kept her makeup simple, she looked effortlessly but yet again so elegant. She looks like Abby, not changing for no one and being herself. Her eyes though, they bring everything together, the bright greenish eyes. There perfect, you could get lost in them, just like you could lost staring at the stars or even your own thoughts. There memorizing.

I think that's what I love about her. She has this mind that i've never seen, she speaks from her heart when she talks, not her head. That's something you can't find now a days. She isn't afraid of anything, well a lot of things but she is amazing at hiding it. Her eyes give everything away, her feelings, her joy, her sadness, her past, her future, our future.  Right now, her eyes give off a sense of nervousness, which melts my heart. She nervous to see me wasn't she? What can I say, she's Abby.

We started at each other, for a long time, taking in each other's features. Everything in the world seemed to be blocked out. All the music, yelling, drinking, smoking, was drawn out of my head and it was like we were the only people in the room. That's special, that's when you know you found the one. We've been together for a few days but still, you know when you get a feeling. That feeling of mine is being completed, i'm completed around her, like everything i've worked for has led to the girl, in the blue dress, bright gorgeous green eyes. That's mine.

a/n: soo? thoughts? ideas? ending this soon btw, just a heads up:) Maybe I'll do a sequel;) idk yet so don't mark my word.


If you could have anything in the world, what would it be and why?

What are you afraid of?

Favorite Author?

How many pillows do you sleep with💀?

Favorite Quote?Why?

What something you want to achieve in the next 5 years?

What is something you do, no one will ever understand?

Are you loud?

Nature or space?

Is 2+2 actually fish? Where did that even come from💀

also, let's hope I don't break any bones, I ordered a new whip that is a skateboard yesterday and I don't want to break anything, but okay bye. Your worth it and I love you. Dm if you need anything❤️

(1135 words)

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