Darling of Vrindavan

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We didn't realise how years just passed by in a blink of an eye. With you around us, everyday was an adventure. From destroying demons to preserving humanity, breaking pots to mending broken hearts, stealing maakhan to offering memories of lifetime in return – we experienced a forever within numbered days.

You breathed life into Braj, and blessed it's soil with your lotus feet. Those kadamba trees, yamuna ghats, gardens, forests, gaushalas – every corner of Braj witnessed your leelas, and treasured every bit of you in its adobe.

You touched every heart, conquered it & resided there forever. 'Krishna' was all we knew. There's nothing that could ever define us – Braj vasis, without your association. Your existence itself was a celebration for Vrindavan. Everyday seemed like a festival in your presence.

Flowers blossomed in all seasons, there were rains like never before, cows gave more milk than usual, ripe crops doubled during the harvest, peacocks danced their hearts out, birds sang the best melodies, yamuna water never seemed more sweeter, mother nature was at its best, and every creature in Braj slept with a full tummy. All this, only & only with your grace, that you'll never take credit of. Even if Gods invited us to the heaven, we would still prefer to stay in Vrindavan. Such was its glory!!

With you being around, we Gopikas & Gopas lived the best days of our life; or should I say those are the only days we ever lived? From playing hide & seek games - to - revealing our secrets, from throwing tantrums - to - throwing colors, from losing butter - to - losing ourselves – we truly cherished each & every moment spent with you. We knew nothing other than you, but felt like we have seen the whole world through your eyes.

The whole universe envied Vrindavan. Even Gods wanted to be born here, and take part in your magical leelas. In fact they often kept visiting here in disguise, just to get one glimpse of your manmohak chavvi. I wonder how we got so lucky, Kaanha? Among all the beings in the three worlds, you choose us – ignorant gwalas & gopikas, to involve in your pastimes. You came from peaks to streets for us. Maybe, this is a result of some long penance or extremely pious deeds, that we all might have done in our previous lives. Or it's purely because of your grace. Just your grace!

If ever I get to choose my birth, I would still choose to be a 'Milkmaid of Vrindavan' in my every life, without a second thought. No identity of any highest order will ever match the pleasure of being one simple milkmaid of Braj. Only we know, what it means to be a Gopika — Krishna's Gopika!

We will forever be grateful to you Kaanha, for letting us breathe the same air as you, worship the soil you walk on, make the butter you eat, and take the pleasure of your divine company. What else can one ever ask for?

Only when we prayed for these times to never change, time reminded us that it will never change its habit to change.

Like you always say - 'parivartan hi sansaar ka param niyam hai',

A change we never asked for, a change we never imagined, a change that changed the 'World of Gopikas' and ' The History of the World', hit us like a wrecking train one day.

Radhey radhey!

The Diary Of a Gopika जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें