Life Pricks & He Smiles

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Everyone looks at the colors & lights of your life and talks about how your life has always been an epitome of celebration. But what they do not understand is - it's your reaction to life that made all the difference.

To be honest, your life was less of a garden and more of a forest filled with all the wildest stuff possible. From taking birth in a prison, to getting separated from your parents at the very moment of your birth; from facing a new demon coming for your life each day, sent by your own uncle, to leaving your home & loved ones behind for serving your life purpose; from taking life's toughest decisions at every moment, to getting wronged for all the right things you did all your life; and the worst part is being labelled as baised for favouring Dharma. there isn't even a single shade of pain that hadn't touched you.

For that matter, your whole life had been a constant battle — where you had to fight with your own people for their own good, and then getting blamed by the same people at the end. You received all of it with a smile, without uttering a single bitter word, just to make sure justice is served to the world. Uff! It's exhausting even to imagine your life. How are you even coping up with this daily drama, Kaanha?

And the toughest of all — has anyone ever given a thought on how foreseeing the future might have not let you enjoy any moment of your life in peace? How you might have had sleepless nights & innumerable nightmares having a teaser of what life has in store for you, your loved ones, and for every possible creature in this world? Yet, you could do nothing but accept the nature of time & its ways.

And as if all this wasn't enough, Devi Gandhari has used her lifetime tapasya to cast the most horrific curse on you. On you — who only & only wished well for everyone, even for the ones who tried to harm you. How it might have left you in pieces knowing that your entire clan is going to be destroyed & your most beautiful creation - Dwaraka, is going to be drowned in the ocean leaving a huge void behind. How did you receive all this, Kaanha? And that too with a smile?? Gandhari couldn't see your blessing behind her loss, but you could see the pain behind her curse; and blessed her with eternal peace & moksha. You are for real - 'karuna ke sagar', Kaanha.

But still, despite all this, what made you - YOU, is your choice to live every moment of your life with all your heart. Looking at every hassle as a learning, creating tiny light hearted moments even in between those continuous battles, cheering up everyone around you with your ever amusing self, finding a reason to dance amidst all the chaos, and being the eternal bliss that you are — all the time. Your life was an ever battlefield, but it is your choice to smile at it, that makes it look like a playground.

You showered this world with the biggest gift to mankind in the form of BHAGVADGEETA — that has the whole essence of life unboxed in simple verses. But despite that, your life is already such a beautiful lesson in itself, that teaches how love & love alone will matter at the end.

The irony is, a man who keeps fighting a new battle every day himself, makes everyone forget theirs', with his mere existence. A MAN OF WONDERS you are!

Everyone says that you are a manifestation of Narayana — the supreme. I don't know how much of it is true but for me, you are more than Narayana; you are not just in my pooja mandir but in every hair of my body, every beat of my heart & every page of my dairy. You are the LOVE OF MY LIFE, Krishna!

Just wanted to let you know, if you ever feel low, just look at yourself through this Gopika's eyes and you'll know why I always keep saying -


Radhey radhey!

The Diary Of a Gopika जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें