My Eternal Sakhis

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Krishna, you looked unusually different (though this is what I feel every time I see you, for the ever new universe that you are — there's always something left to explore).

With those royal silks on, gorgeous mukuta embedded with a variety of shining stones, white & red trident mark between on the centre your forehead, kaustubha mani around your neck, and the ever fresh vyjayanti mala dropping from your shoulders — you looked like dark sky adorned with stars. The glitters of your earrings were reflecting on your cheeks like sunrays on your moon like face.

What's indifferent was only that morpankh, your smile, and the way you made me feel. My eyes are blessed! Truly!

The thing is, though you always looked this stunning, from eternities to eternities, it's because that gwala's form has so deeply rooted in my mind & heart that everything else seems unfamiliar.

I didn't know wheather to jump on you for a hug, fall on your feet, or just keep staring at you like I always do. When I finally gathered myself & took a step forward to reach you, a bunch of hands pulled me from behind swiftly.

This touch! How do I not know this touch? The soft hands, tinkles of the bangles, those familiar giggles — who else would it be other than my Darling Gopis?

"Look, the latecomer is here!" - tittered Mridula.

"She was always like this, wasn't she? The one who used to make us all wait in the scorching sun, while she got adorned for him." - added Chandrakantha, who herself takes forever to get decked up.

"Lol! This time its for a different reason. I'm sure the poor one struggled to leave Vrindavan & might as well passed time in giving those long loving farewell speeches." - chuckled Vishaka, who knows my vulnerabilities the best.

"Haha, for sure! If not for Krishna – who personally went to bring her back, madam had no plans of returning anytime soon." - the quick-witted Lalitha added.

These giggles, they are as sacred as the temple bells. Their smiles reflected their clean hearts, and every pair of eyes only had love in it. I cannot ever put into words how dear this women are to me. From Gokul to Golok, we were always together in this roller coaster of a ride. We smiled, danced, cried & took your name together. The bond we share is beyond friendship. Imagine falling for the same man, turning red on his name, teasing each other for the same, holding similar kind of feelings for you in all our hearts, and yet loving each other unconditionally — only us Gopis can relate. There never was space even for a grain of envy among us, for we all were physically different, but were one when it comes to loving you. My gopi gang be the best!

"Ohh stop now! You crazy women haven't changed a bit. Huh! You guys keep laughing at your silly jokes because anyways no one else will. Let me explore our gorgeous home now. Spare me!" I quipped, acting annoyed. I'm sure they sensed the smile I miserably failed to hide.

"Aahaaaan! We very well know what these not so innocent pair of eyes are searching for. Is it really Goloka that you want to explore, or Goloka's Swami?", they all laughed out heartily.

I couldn't help but run away before my tomato cheeks get revealed. And in this rush, guess whom I bumped into? – YOU, of course!

Radhey radhey!

The Diary Of a Gopika जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें