Queen of Braj

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And when we gopis were busy filling our matkis with sweet water of yamuna, singing the glories of siyaram in the local braj basha, there arrives like a cold breeze in the scorching heat, the divinely beautiful one – Radhey.

Adorned with Barsana's most precious flowers that has your name written on each petal, she looked like a poetry in motion. The way she blinks her eye lids, sets her hair strands, lifts her eyebrows, covers her face while laughing, moves her hands while talking, closes her eyes in bliss.. reminds me of you. Infact every piece of her existence screams YOU.

She moves around humbly being one of us but is as rare as a 'Brahma Kamal' on the earth.

Her mere presence is enough to calm all our restless minds & take us into supreme bliss. Everyone around her cannot stop admiring her for the women she is. Definitely not from this world.

She's soo you, kaanha, in many ways I cannot explain. All I can say is, my search for you ends the very moment I look into her eyes because that is where you actually reside. I don't know what she seems like to others, but for me, radhey is more you, than you yourself are.

If Krishna is an occasion, Radhey is the celebration.
If Krishna is matki, Radhey is the sweet butter in it.
And if Krishna is flute, Radhey is his breath that resonates beautiful melodies out of it.

If love ever has a form, that is Radhey.

Whenever I look at her, I can't help but bow down to her divinity. Any combination of words will never be able to do justice in describing your Radhey completely. I'm it's you only but just in different form & body.

The poor one used to be as much annoyed with you as we are. For that matter, who isn't?

With her honey like voice, she then started reciting your leelas to us, saying -

"I hate how that chaliya starts playing his flute all at the wrong times making me go crazy & restless. He very well knows how to hit the right cords in the deepest caves of my heart with that hypnotic sounds, and leaves me with no choice but to give in to his call & run to him right away to find solace. Only Narayan knows how all those endless taunts of Barsana vasis, shot like sharp arrows, make me the soft target. But all thanks to his flute sound, for when it starts, all the other noises of the world go on a mute for me and the waves of his music guide me through the path that leads to him. And that maayavi grins while I dance to his tunes.
Blames on me, for the games he plays. Huh! Not fair!!"

Though her tone was complaining, it had a spark of shyness & immense amount love for you. It's so evident that she loves you more than her life & honour. You're very very lucky I must say.

Also, what kind of wierd pleasure do you seek in troubling that poor one so much, Kaanha? Not done right!?

I wish for once she gets to be the carefree Krishna who plays the flute and it's you who gotta run to her irresistibly, losing all your senses, with the same helplessness & fear, while she gets to enjoy witnessing you in such a state – just like you always do.

Between, this time when I meet Nand baba, will definitely enquire him on - "where did your innocent lalla, that you think he is, learn hypnotism from?"

Radhey radhey!

The Diary Of a Gopika जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें