Chapter 3: Peyton Lennox

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I saw a glimpse of the mysterious man in the corner. I know he has long hair and dark eyes, with long legs and a strong barrel chest. He sat in what looked to be a relaxed position but he was tense enough to snap a board in two. Shows he is constantly vigilant, a watcher, a fighter.

I wanted him to get up, to move, so that I could see him. Any of him. I don't know why I was so attracted to the stranger hidden in the corner. It was probably the mystery of him. Or the fact his eyes seared into me while I sat with his brothers, his look was almost tangible and it caressed my skin.

I want to see him.

I want to know him.

I roll my eyes at myself as I park my car on my driveway. I live in a small house just around the corner from the MC, so close that I can sometimes hear their activity when they throw their street parties. They're not a quiet people but I have no problem with that.

I bought this house about two years ago, it's a two storey detached house. Two bedrooms, two bathrooms and an open layout. It has French doors that open out the entire back of the house onto the large garden which is what sold it to me, besides the bay windows anyway, I needed to feel like I wasn't trapped.

I decorated it myself. It's pretty plain, mainly white and greys just to sustain the ease of keeping it up. Even the outside of the house is white. I just like being able to open it up with all of the plants that I have everywhere plus it ensures that it'll always be light inside. I was kept in the darkness for too long, no more.

I drop my keys in the bowl by the door after locking it and throw my jacket onto the hook. I kick my shoes into the cupboard before yawning loudly and throwing my hair up into a messy bun. It's two am so I head straight up the stairs into my office and check a few emails and check on my recent target.

He still isn't out of the hospital and he has too many guys on him for me to take him at the moment, soon enough I'll be able to cash him in for 750K.

Yeah, he's that high of a target.

I turn everything off and walk across the corridor into my bedroom. This is my favourite room in the house. It's big with a kingsize bed in the middle of it, wrapped in white cotton and dressed in a load of pillows and cushions. The floor is grey laminate but I have a dark grey fluffy rug covering most of it. Thankfully I have a walk in wardrobe so I don't have a dresser in the way so basically all of the room is empty besides a standing mirror in the corner and the bedside tables on either side of the bed.

It has an ensuite too so that's where I head next. I take a quick shower and wash my face before brushing my teeth and hair. Skincare follows along with throwing on some random pyjamas. I set my phone on charge and settle in the bed.

Weirdly, I have to have background noise when I fall asleep and today my fan isn't loud enough to distract my hyperactive brain so I switch the TV on and put some comedy show on so that I can fall asleep quick enough.


My alarm rings out at eight and I slam my hand down on the bastard thing, debating whether or not to toss it out of the open window. I groan and bury myself under the duvet. After a quick pep talk, I'm able to pull myself out of the bed only to land on the floor.

I rub my ass with a disgruntled growl as I head into the bathroom. I am definitely not an attractive specimen in the morning, I look like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards then chewed up and spit out.

It's a look, trust me.

I brush my teeth before tackling my hair. I'm able to untangle the curls enough to make me look less like Chewbacca before I throw it up into a ponytail knowing it's not going to behave today. I pull a few strands out to frame my face before heading out to my vanity.

I'm not going anywhere until around two this afternoon so I'm not gonna put on makeup until just before then because I'll probably touch my face and fuck it up by then. I throw on a pair of blue jeans and a cropped jumper and hurry down the stairs for food.

I make some bacon and toast, along with some strawberries and a massive cup of tea. Once I've finished all that, I whip up a quick smoothie then clean everything up.

Since my other target isn't available until two I start prepping all the paperwork for when I've got him. This guy is only worth 20K so it shouldn't be too difficult.

It comes up to quarter to one so I do my makeup and spritz myself with some perfume, I slide my phone into my pocket and hurry out to my car. Happy to finally get my day going even though it's afternoon.

I head to the mall since that's where my guy is and head in, I slip passed a load of people and finally spot him across the gangway. Sadly, he doesn't even know that he's about to be apprehended and taken to the station so I probably won't have much of a problem taking him in.

I quite like a good fight so it's boring knowing that I won't have one. 

Unfortunately, Lexie and Bear are over there as well, along with Gears and a very attractive male behind them.

This must be the mysterious stranger. 

His hair reaches his shoulders but he's put the majority of the dark strands up, his eyes a deep set and brown with a hint of crazy. He's definitely bigger than I thought but that just makes him better. He has an angular jaw and a proud stance. He is definitely a fighter, I can tell in the way he carries himself. 

Keep yourself together Peyton, no fucking in a public place, there are children present.

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