Chapter 29: Peyton Lennox

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Amazingly, I'm able to convince Roman to come out for a late lunch with me which is technically my breakfast but I don't even care. I bounce into the bedroom with excitement as Roman deposits himself back on the bed claiming he doesn't need to start getting ready yet since I take forever.

I slip on a black polkadot dress that slips off my shoulders and buttons all the way up the front. It reaches my mid-shin but it opens to show a little more skin. I pop on some converse quickly before spritzing myself with perfume and heading into the bathroom.

I brush my teeth and put on a little makeup after fixing my hair, sprinting back into the room seconds later and launching myself on top of Roman who groans in surprise. He rolls me into his embrace and tickles me while I squeal and laugh uncontrollably, his face is buried in my neck as his deep chuckle rumbles around the room.

He pulls back and plants kisses on my face. "Get ready to go!" I finally get out what I wanted to say, when I notice the seriousness in his eyes. "Everything okay, honey?" I stroke his cheek with the back of my hand and wait for him to be ready to speak whatever is on his mind.

"I want you to be my Old Lady." I know he sees tears in my eyes at his admission but I've never had a family before and he wants me to be a part of his. A permanent part. I flip him over and mimic his earlier actions, layering kisses on his face, neck and chest. Only stopping when his hands cup my face and brings me up to make eye contact with him.

"I want to be your Old Lady, Reign." I whisper, still awestruck with the fact that this man below me is mine. He melts into the bed with relief and I rest my forehead on his, just taking in the moment. "So, lunch?" I ask after about five minutes of doing nothing, my excitement for food overwhelming the situation.

I release him from my grip and watch like a pervert as the Greek God dresses, basically drooling as he drives his hands through his hair like he does to mine when we... Quit it, Peyton or we will never leave. "If you keep looking at me like that, baby, and the next fantasy we live out will be mine."

I run passed him, yanking his hand with me, "Let's go, I'm starving."


It's coming up to five o'clock when we're called into Church. Roman has to lift me from the porch swing because I refused to move. Like the mature adult I am, obviously. When we get there everyone seems to be buzzing with excitement including Roman so I'm the only one who doesn't have a clue what's going on.

"You guys seem happy, what's happened?"

"Peyton," Bear gestures for me to stand in front of him and all of the brothers surround me, Lexie stands off to the side and I note that down in my head to ask about. This must be something to do with the fact that Roman made me his Old Lady so I relax and trust that this is something good. "You saved my life before we'd even met and three years later you saved my wife and then this entire MC. You have proved your loyalty to the club and we know that we can rely on you for anything and everything. This has never happened before and we don't even know whether we're even allowed but we're the Mother Chapter so we get away with everything," Now they've lost me, I don't understand.

"Here." Gears hands me a parcel and I unwrap it gently, not knowing what's inside. My hand grasps onto soft leather and I get excited thinking it's my property cut like the one Lexie has. That is until I realise what it actually is.

"You're - you're patching me in?" I cannot believe this, for one they never swear in women so this is mental and two it means that it's not just Roman that has chosen me as his family. They all have.

"Check the name." I turn over the jacket and see the 'Property of Reign' patch before my eyes land on the embroidered name that they chose especially for me. 'Saviour'.

"It's perfect." The brothers cheer and clap my shoulders and give me hugs, their excitement encouraging tears that I struggle to keep from overflowing. Lexie is the last one to hug me and she squeezes me half to death.

"Who knew that one baseball bat would make us sisters, huh?" I laugh through my tears at her statement before allowing her to help me put my jacket on. It fits perfectly and encompasses me in warmth. "I thought you'd rather have a jacket than a cut, plus it's cropped so it's easier to style." I hug her again, this time letting a few tears slip out.

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