Chapter 43: Peyton Lennox

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I am going to cut his hands off.

I swear to God if they get any closer to my vagina they are being removed. I pretend to enjoy his travelling hands in the club and in the car as he drives us back to his apartment. 

All part of the plan, Peyton, do not rip his hands off yet.

I look in the side mirror to see my Impala following four cars back, the SUV behind us has three of Twitch's guards in and the bike riding on the side street has Bear on it. That's all I can see, I assume Boulder is here somewhere, Hunter and Rubble too. I trust them to keep me safe from the outside, hopefully they'll dispose of the guards so I can concentrate on Twitch.

God, he is such a douche. 

The way he speaks just shows that he is from money and believes he is the shit. He is wearing chinos with a leather jacket and boat shoes! Boat shoes! I want to kill myself, even in this get up I'm embarrassed that people saw me leave with this guy.

I swear I am going to drown myself in antibac before begging Roman to... you know what I mean. My subconscious is a thirsty hoe and I love her, she gets me laid.

I stroke Twitch's hand and steel my stomach so I don't throw up as I reach across the console and start touching his dick over his trousers. Good Lord, burn my hand off right now. His erection is pressing against my hand and his cocky smirk gives me the impression that he thinks this is big, if anything it's average, maybe even below average.

Though I am biased considering Roman's dick certainly does not disappoint in size or in function. 

Yes Peyton, think about your man's penis while stroking another, what the hell has my life come to?

He pulls up at his apartment complex and plants a slobbery kiss on me that has my puke climbing my throat. As soon as he pulls away, I slip out of the car and grab his hand, letting him pull me into the building. The guards stay downstairs in the lobby where there is another guard and a doorman. "You have four guards and a doorman?" I ask seductively, making it look like I'm only interested in the guards because I think he's important or something. "Are you a celebrity?" I giggle like a ditz and hop into the elevator.

I panic slightly when I see the biometric scanner on the wall. Fuck, this is getting out of hand now. "Cool! You have a hand-scanny thing! You must be so rich." I giggle again, my brain scolding myself for acting like an idiot even though it's just part of the disguise.

"I am rich and yes, I'm a celebrity. I'm well-known in Hollywood." Oh, he is such a douche, what a fucking liar. If he's famous in Hollywood then I'm the fucking Queen. But once again, I laugh and reach for his upper arms.

"Wow, you're really strong too! Are you sure you don't have a girlfriend?" Keep acting dumb and drunk, Peyton. Until you can get the drop on him.

"I have you." He drags his finger across my skin and I fake a shiver, enhancing the lust in his eyes. Hell no buddy, you put your disco stick back in its case or I swear I will slice it off. 

Think happy thoughts, Peyton.

This is Roman you're seducing. 

I know my eyes darken in a way that excites douche canoe in front of me thinking it's for him. I brush my hands over his waxed chest and gently rake my hands down his beer belly, trying not to cry with disgust. I can't believe I'm doing this, I shouldn't be touching him, he is not my Rider and I'm disgusted with myself, with this plan, with everything.

Finally, the elevator stops and I'm freed from its confines, into the penthouse apartment. "Wow, you live in the penthouse! Look at the view!" I press my hands against the floor to ceiling windows on the other side of the room taking in the view before turning around and leaning against the glass, searching the room for other guards. "Are we alone?" I whisper, licking his neck as he presses me into the glass.

"No one can get in here but me." Perfect. Just as he latches on my neck to leave a mark, I bring the syringe from under my dress and stab it in his neck, letting him fall on the floor as the drug takes affect.

"He's unconscious and I am scarred for life." I speak through the comms, shivering in disgust before starting on the ransacking business, I decide to be neat about it though because he can't know what I find as he might change plans or whatever.

Letters upon letters are buried in the desk and I have to pick the lock on two of the drawers. All of them outline extensive plans on how to destroy both MCs, cut off their guns and their money. 

So, basically what I've done is do their plan to them which is ironic if you think about it. The tactical assault has been outlined here too and I take pictures of everything I can get my hands on, uploading everything else to the hard drive that I smuggled in my bra.

I look through security footage but no important faces stand out, no judges, no Feds, how were they expecting this to work with just coppers? You need someone on every level to cover shit like this up. Government officials, CIA, everything.

I squeal in excitement when my hands wrap around two leather bound books, one is the ledger with every account they've ever had and the other is a list of everyone involved. "I have hit the holy grail, fuckers." I laugh gleefully, "Oh, they are so stupid." I scan them into the computer, download them onto my hard drive before deleting every keystroke on the desktop. "Right, I'm gonna have to wait for idiot to wake up before I get out of here, should be another hour or so."

I receive affirmations from everyone on the line before I take my dress off and replace it with one of his shirts, stripping him of his clothes and laying him in the bed. The drug I hit him with will have wiped his short term memory so I can tell him whatever I want. 

I threw the syringe out the trash chute after wiping it for prints and emptied a bottle of scotch, placing an empty glass ringed with it on the bedside table.

I slip into the bed next to him so I'm sat up and staring creepily at him when he starts to stir. 

"Yay! You're finally awake, I've been awake for like two hours and I was getting so bored so I started planning our wedding! Isn't that exciting? I'm thinking a May wedding since I love spring and we can make it so big! I can invite all of my friends and family and we can have the cutest little babies. I'm thinking for a boy we can call him Twitch Junior because I love you so much I want to name him after you and if we have a girl we can call her Lily because it's my favourite flower. What do you think? You know what, I'll call the caterer now because I've already called the venue, they're free on the fifteenth!"

"What the fuck?" His voice is groggy but I can see genuine panic in his eyes. This is way too much fun. 

"You brought me home from the club last night after my boyfriend stood me up and since we slept together we have to get married, I was a virgin by the way but not anymore! You deflowered me so I started planning the wedding while you were sleeping. Do you not love me?"

"No, I fucking don't." I start crying, like big, dramatic, heart breaking tears and the look of panic in his eyes is fucking hysterical so I start laughing, I know, I look like an absolute psycho. He grabs my elbow, my dress and my shoes before shoving me back into the elevator and pressing his hand to the surface.

"I'll always love you, honey-bear." I reach for him as the doors close and continue sobbing as the elevator descends floors, I don't stop crying as I leave the building and put my shoes on, knowing the cameras are still on me. I slip down the alley to where my car is parked and slip into the passenger seat. Ripping off my wig and taking my contacts out, I sigh in relief against the seat as I listen to Roman's laugh.

I know all of them found that very amusing which to be honest I agree with. 

Twitch was way too easy.

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