Chapter 25: Peyton Lennox

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I haven't been in a good old fight for so long. It's just as exhilarating as I remember. I look over at Reign who is stood next to the man I think is called Mac, I'm pretty sure that's the guy that basically raised him so I head over wanting to meet the man that taught mine.

"Hi, I'm Peyton." I shake his hand and he smiles at me.

"I'm Mac, I see why everyone is in such a tizzy about you my darlin'. You are absolutely stunning."

"You're certainly not bad yourself."

"Hey Pops, stop trying to get on my woman please." Mac puts his hands up in surrender and winks at me before backing away to talk to Prez. "Hi baby." He pulls me into his embrace and I relax into him, warming up from the chill of the night.

"I have to tell you something."

"That does not sound good, everything okay?"

"Everything is okay with me but I found something out about Blade and Romero. They were fucking." His jaw drops and he looks into my eyes and when he only finds sincerity he starts to laugh. "I know! They were fucking the night that Blade got killed, that's why he was in the neighbourhood when he wasn't supposed to be."

"This is getting ridiculous." He sighs and I rub out the frown lines on his forehead and give him a chaste kiss.

"I'll make it up to you, it's my fantasy today, no?" His eyes darken with lust and his grip tightens on me as his erection presses against my stomach.

"Get in the car. Now." I turn and he slaps my butt hard enough to make me squeak in surprise. He speeds back to my house - and yes he's driving MY car but I'll let him because while he's driving I'm nibbling on his neck and rubbing his dick to the point where he keeps having to swerve to avoid traffic.

He parks my car awfully on my driveway and basically throws me out of car and into his arms. "What's your fantasy, baby? Hmm? Shower, table, wall, anything you want."

"Well it was on a Harley but since you ruined that, the table will do." He groans in response and deposits me on the table, I pull his cut off with his mouth still moulded to mine biting at his tongue and sucking on his bottom lip. He pulls back to rid both of us of our clothes down to his boxers and my lingerie.

Now that I'm getting laid I actually remember to match my underwear and this time I'm wearing matching red and he seems to like red. He pulls me off the table, spins me around and pushes my body down. I flatten my arms on the table and stick my ass out like an offering which he greedily takes.

His hand comes down and the smack sound resounds across the room and has me jerking into a moan. He does it again on the other side to even them out before pressing his chest to my back and littering hot kisses across my skin, making me wet with anticipation.

"Am I living up to your fantasy?" He asks as he rubs a knuckle across my panties and I grind against it mindlessly, waiting for him to fix the ache inside me.

"You are my fantasy." I finally force out, my voice breathless and strained as I fight for control. I jump in surprise as my panties are ripped off and thrown somewhere. He leaves me in just my bra and lowers his boxers, I watch impatiently as my Greek God of a lover takes forever to fuck me.

Just as I'm getting ready to beg, he fits the condom and sheathes himself entirely in me. Falling on top of me, leaving me moaning with satisfaction as he growls into my neck. He pulls out and slams back in with fierce abandon, "harder," I beg and he coils back ready and his thrust has my eyes rolling back, my fingers become fists and my toes curl against the hardwood floor. "Harder, Roman."

"You're gonna be the death of me, baby." He grips my hips and uses it to pull me closer to him as he drives up, pulling my orgasm for me quicker than I was ready for.

"Fuck!" I shout and just as I start to come down, his orgasm triggers another and I writhe on my kitchen table as it rolls over me.

"That's two, I think we can go for a few more. What do you think?" He turns me around and pulls me to sit on the edge of the table, allowing him to lower himself to his knees, my legs over his shoulders and his mouth on my clit in torturous licks and nips. I grip his hair and grind against his face as he laps up everything I can give, my chest heaves as I wrestle against my orgasm, trying to drag this out, my hypersensitivity has me cumming only a few minutes later. "That's three. Wanna try for four?"

I can't even reply as the pleasure causes me to lay back on the table, I trust him to do as he wishes. I relish in the aftershocks as he licks the sweat from my body before surging into me, causing me to jackknife on the table, grip his shoulders and wrap my legs tightly around his waist.

He pulls out and gives me a stern look, forcing me to lay back down and moving my legs to rest over his shoulders. He thrusts back in and I cry out, he whispers dirty nothings in my ear as he milks my fourth orgasm of the night. He reaches around and fingers my clit as he drives in and out of me at a vicious pace. 

I could get used to this.

As my last orgasm hits, I feel exhaustion take over me. He really does know how to bring me right to the brink and then back again. He explodes into the second condom of the night and he throws both into the bin while I lay like jelly on the kitchen table. 

I should probably clean this tomorrow.

"Can you die from too much pleasure?" I ask him as he carries me up the stairs and into our room.

"I don't know, baby. I'll run you a bath, okay? You stay here." I listen to the command considering I can't feel my legs so I doubt I could even go anywhere.

"I don't think I can walk."

"Good. I told you I'd punish you for giving me a blow job while I was on the phone to my Prez."

"You call that a punishment? Best sex of my life." I drowsily reply as he picks me back up and settles me in the bath, he slides in behind me and I rest my back on his chest. Revelling in the way his body feels against mine, I would suggest trying for five but I would like to walk in the next few days.

I do have a feeling though that he'll keep me in my bed all day tomorrow, counting orgasms and fulfilling fantasies I didn't even know I had. 

And fuck me, I can't wait.

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