Chapter 31: Peyton Lennox

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A/N: Everything that is italic + bold in this chapter is Spanish, I would write it down but I don't wanna butcher a language that I can't speak :) 

Runner is freaking out in my passenger seat, I really don't understand his hesitance. The Mexicans are fucking awesome, they basically party all night and definitely enjoy the finer things in life which we will receive for free.

They are so chill and happy but can be absolutely brutal when need be. I admire them for that.

"Runner, would you chill the fuck out?"

"Don't you think I would if I could?" I understand that he reverts back to his mother tongue when scared or angry, hence why his fierce words are spat out in Spanish.

"Look, they are a happy people as long as you don't upset them it'll be fine. Besides I'll protect you."

"I hate you."

"I love you, too, buddy." He makes a face at me just as I pull into the car park of the bar, basically dragging the poor bastard from his seat and into the bar. The music is loud and gives off sexy vibes, proved by the grinding dancers and the couples making out in every dark corner. Lucia was one of the first friends I made when I first landed in America and as soon as she spots me, her squeal can be heard over the music.

She flies across the room, slamming into me at full force, almost knocking me to my feet. I respond to her hug immediately, laughing at her enthusiasm. "I missed you so much!" If possible, her hug gets tighter, choking me to death. "Quickly, bring your hottie and let's get some drinks."

I grab Runner's hand and luckily, he seems to have chilled out. The excitement of the atmosphere wiping out his anxiety, though he still seems very tense. 

Always the fighter.

We knock back two tequila shots before she tugs me to her husband's side. They met when they were fourteen and got married when they were eighteen which was seven years ago. They are still very much in love and migrated here together when he was given control of the cartel that operates in America.

Matías is tall with dark black hair and soft brown eyes, his skin a dark shade of caramel and with the mysterious aura he has always been the man to attract a lot of ladies. His voice is soft but laced with power and basically drips with contempt when talking to anyone except for those he cares about which is a small circle. 

Lucia matches him perfectly, with black unruly curls and hazel eyes. Her hyperactivity and fiery temper makes Lucia the one to worry about. Especially considering she can get Matías to do whatever she wishes, no questions asked.

I was always jealous of their relationship, believing that I was never worthy. I have Reign now and while our relationship is different, it still fulfils the need that I have had for my entire life.

Matías reaches for his wife and gently tugs her into his side on the red couch, his eyes entirely focused on her. I have never once seen them stray, sometimes he looks at me and I know he cares for me as if I was his little sister. This man is whipped and could never stray from the path that is solely paved for Lucia. He lives and breathes for her and it is beautiful.

"Baby, Peyton is here." Matías finally looks at me, as if he only just realised I had reappeared. Surprise warps his features for a few seconds before he settles into a soft smile.

"Hello baby sister."

"Hello big brother. This is Runner by the way." They shake hands and Matías actually treats Runner like a person, obviously knowing that Runner is important to me.

"How can we help? I understand that you have found yourself in a little trouble?"

"Corrupt cops. I just need you to do me a favour, that's all. Oh, and pact with the Riders of Apollo."

"Is that all? Lucia gave me the impression you were in need of more help than that."

"The cops are going to come to you to sell you guns and ask for a loan. I need you to refuse them."

"I do not sell to cops anyway, corrupt or not. You needn't worry, they will find no help here. We are on your side, through and through. I will meet with your Riders some time in the future. Now let's celebrate your return to us."

This is where it starts. The waitress brings over three bottles of tequila and Lucia sets up for the game we normally play. To be honest, I don't even think there are any rules it's just a race to see who can get absolutely wankered the quickest and hold their liquor. 

I always win.

I knock back my fifth shot of the night when Runner nods at me and steps away in pursuit of a pretty lady that was giving him the eyes from the minute we walked in the club. "How did you get involved with the Riders anyway?" Lucia asks before knocking back her fourth, taking the lime from Matías' mouth straight afterward.

"Saved the Queen, fucked the Enforcer, now I'm in it for life." I shrug nonchalantly but I can feel Lucia's excitement, I always used to say that I'd never settle down and now I'm the Old Lady to the sexiest man on planet Earth and I'm not even scared.

"He knows of your past, no?" I nod with a grimace, taking another shot in my desperation to move on from the topic. I told these two about my past a year after we met and they went on a rampage, they flew into a rage when I told them about the torture. When they calmed down they told me that they were proud I had survived that much and that they admired my strength, but admitted that they were furious I was subjected to that.

I easily recall what Lucia said, "You were a child, you didn't need to be strong. You needed to be safe and I'm sorry the world failed you." I cried like a baby in her arms as Matías plied me with tissues, ice cream and chocolate. I guess they're kinda like my family too, I always thought I had no one but I have them, the Riders, my parents and Reign.

Maybe I'll finally catch a break.

"Yeah, I told all of them. They reacted better than I could've imagined." We finish off the first bottle of tequila and they open the second. 

Oh Good Lord, I haven't done this for so long, I'm going to die.

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