Chapter 49: Peyton Lennox

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After thinning the numbers down to about twenty, we call for our brothers who begin to fire from the roof of the building. Runner and Romeo are firing two shots a second while men stream from inside, weapons in hand and sprinting towards frightened looking HR members.

We are an intimidating force. 

Breaker is ripping throats open, Boulder has three men climbing him and he's not even fazed, Bear is cheating using a fucking rifle but I forgive him because he's swearing really loudly at the attackers. 

Roman is still competing with me which I think is adorable because every time he kills someone, he looks to me to see if I saw. Like an adorable little puppy waiting for treats once they'd done a trick.

Granted, right now I've upped him a few times especially since more men have appeared in SUVs and one Dodge Ram that I hope I'll get to keep when these fuckers are dead. But now we have about thirty people to fight and only seventeen of us since men are holding back to protect Lexie, our guns, computers and drugs as well.

When I concentrate I can actually hear Lexie swearing and shouting, banging on her door hard enough for her to swear. She really has no regard for her own safety and one of these days it's gonna bite her in the ass, I mean Gears is trying to keep her calm right now but it is not working.

I flip over Roman and stab some bloke three times in the stomach before throwing him to Breaker who rips him apart. Good Lord, he really is quite scary during a fight. I've sparred him before and he definitely isn't gentle but damn this is a whole other level of psychopath. 

I slide through Boulder's legs and hop over Bear who is still shooting at the bloke on the roof opposite us, cutting the head off of the guy aiming for him with my katana.

"Thanks Sav." I wink at Bear before making my way to the main target. A few minutes ago Twitch rocked up with the leader of HR, he must've broken out of prison or paid somebody off because he looks mighty pleased with himself. I guess he can't see how badly his people are faring because there are very few of them left.

I stop in front of both of them and pull both my katanas from their holsters, I twist them to settle them in my hands comfortably before lowering into a defensive position. I want them to make the first move. "Ahh Peyton, is it? You're the biggest thorn in my side, caused many issues with my trafficking, my men and my money. It was you that hacked my bank accounts, no?"

"Think of it as gentle re-appropriation." His eyes spark with anger and my lips curve into a smirk. Just gotta kill enough time for our boys to have cleared up this mess before I kill him, I'm sure my brothers will want to witness the death of our enemy.

"Still, it doesn't matter. By the end of the evening you'll be dead and I'll be the victor."

"Wishful thinking there, darling. Like we'll let you live."

"You won't 'let' me do anything, I control this place. You are mine."

"And you are delusional, besides didn't your friend Twitch tell you how we found out all of the information?" Doubt is the next emotion to appear as Romero turns to Twitch with question in his eyes, Twitch just shrugs. "Not his fault, I did dose him. I mean I love him so much and him and I are going to get married real soon." I put the accent back on with a cute smile as Twitch's face changes as he recognises me.

"You bitch!" He tries to launch himself at me but Romero grabs him by the back of his shirt, crumpling his previously impeccable suit.

"Well looks like she'll be more beneficial alive than dead, I'm sure she can get quite a few missions done better than you." The scything comment angers both Twitch and I, assuming that I'd ever switch loyalties sends me into a rage. Twitch just takes everything way too personal, his skin is actually starting to flush red.

"You're finished. Your men are dead and you're next." Bear takes the place next to me, his lip curls up in disgust as he looks at the two ringleaders who have yet to get their hands dirty. Surely they don't care too much about this whole tirade if they're not willing to die for it.

Twitch launches at me first, scrapping all ideas of peace talks - weren't gonna happen but we can dream - the tussle causes Bear to step back and one of my katanas to drop to the floor. I ignore that and bring the other up, slicing through Twitch's suit and into his stomach. Twisting viciously as I bring his head closer to me with a hand on the back of his head.

"That was for all the women you laid hands on, for every life you've ever ruined, for everything." I yank the blade out, allowing him to fall at my feet.

I didn't predict the second attack.

Romero had powered towards me before anyone had noticed, picking up my fallen blade and driving it through my chest. As the hilt slams into my skin, my lungs tighten and I grip the handle, the pain won't register but my body knows it is dying.

I know it's Runner's bullet that pierces Romero's skull, the blood spattering my face as sure as surprise coats his.

The enemy is down and so am I.

I drop to my knees next to both bodies, spitting out the blood that rises in my mouth and throat. 

I forgot the feeling of suffocation, years of waterboarding makes you feel immune but when it's your own blood, tasting of metal and bad decisions you can't help but choke.

I press my hand to the glass covered concrete and beg to feel something. If I'm dying there should be pain. 

"Baby, baby no. You promised me." Roman rolls me over into his embrace while he screams at someone to call an ambulance.

"I love you." I gurgle, my own voice sounding foreign to me.

Who knows what happens next, the white light appeared as expected but still no pain, no darkness, no eternal sleep.

The last thing that I think of as I drift off in unconsciousness is my broken promise.

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