Chapter 13: Peyton Lennox

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I can't keep my eyes off of him. 

I can't believe, after twenty-two years, that I have been reunited with my father. He looks like me, with the same eyes and the sharp bone structure, the same lips too. I guess I get the rest from my mum, I'm amazed that I will be able to see the both of them today.

I'm quite happily snuggled into Roman's lap since we've been sat here for at least two and a half hours, I'm sure the poor bastard's legs are numb because of how long I've been sat here listening to the same drivel over and over again. They then start an argument over what we are talking about and then we start from the beginning.

"Okay, not that this isn't completely riveting but I am terribly bored so can we be done with this?" I ask, looking back at Roman who is getting increasingly pissed off as well. Throughout this conversation he has stayed relatively quiet besides the angry growls, the only thing stopping him from reaching across this table and murdering people is me. So I should be grateful for that.

As I stand, the floor sways beneath my feet and I fumble to stop myself from falling. Roman catches me and gives me a look. "You okay, Darlin'?" Slasher asks and Roman replies for me.

"She was awake for most of the night working this out and she hasn't eaten anything today. No wonder she's dead on her feet, this probably didn't help either." He gestures to the room in general before sweeping me into his arms and carrying me to the kitchen.

"I'm alright, Roman." I whisper, quietly enough that only he can hear me. I know he didn't say that I couldn't say Roman in front of his friends but it feels personal and I want to keep it close to my heart.

He gently lowers me onto the kitchen island and begins making me a drink while Lexie grabs me something to eat. I feel at home here, like I have a family. I know that my parents are alive and well and likely still love me but this family I found all on my own and I'm proud of it.

I eat quickly, feeling the eyes of everyone in the room but I rest my head on Roman's shoulder as he leans to the side of me, checking on his phone and looking up at me every other second. He's so sweet. "Come on kiddo, let's get you back to your mother." Slasher approaches me and I turn to Roman.

"Come with me?" I slide onto his back and he carries me out, Slasher and all his men following behind us. "You're not gonna get lynched, are you?"

"No, they can't lay hands on me during peace talks. If it goes bad they can do as they please but right now I'm untouchable."

"Maybe we shouldn't risk it, I don't want you to get hurt."

"I'll be fine, baby." I slide down his back and watch as his mounts his bike, fighting back my drool. He looks so formidable, straight backed and proud, the sun reflecting off of his hair and when he slips the sunglasses on, my knees weaken at the sight before me. I take his helping hand and slip on behind him, tightening my legs around him and resting my arms around his waist.

Good Lord I could get used to this.

It's an hour ride to get to the compound and even though my ass hurts and the wind has made my eyes water, it was the best ride of my life. Though it will become the second best... Peyton! Mind out of the gutter please. I'm sure your father wouldn't appreciate you fucking on a Harley in front of your mother.

When we pull up Reign bounces off the bike quickly and turns to me. He gives me a look when I just stay on the bike, staring down at my hands. "What if she doesn't remember me? Or doesn't like how much I've changed?"

"I don't know how this is gonna turn out, honey. None of us do, you've gotta take a risk and if it does end badly, even though I very much doubt it will, you have us." It's like we're on the same wavelength and I appreciate the fact that he knows exactly what to say.

I basically wrap myself around his left arm, not only to feel comforted but to make sure nobody attacks him. Surely, if their Prez's daughter is in the way they won't fight their way through to kill him? Even so they'd have to go through me first. I'd drop them before I let them hurt him.

As if he can sense my hostile thoughts, he places a gentle kiss on the crown of my head which settles my nerves slightly.

My heart races as my head spins, I don't like being in unfamiliar places, they make me nervous and paranoid. A woman of around forty sprints into the room with wide, tear filled eyes as she takes me in. She's taller than me, with a more slight frame and wiry figure, a mass of golden curls atop her head and smile lines litter her face.

She's dressed in leathers with her property cut over her shoulders. She's stunning. Absolutely gorgeous and she looks overwhelmingly happy. Roman untangles my arm and softly urges me towards the woman I assume is my mother.

"Peyton." She whispers, her voice is soft and breaks in the middle of my name as her hand reaches out to touch my cheek. She touches me almost reverently with a look of disbelief. "I can't believe it." She grabs me in a hug tight enough to suffocate and I cry onto her shoulder.

The combination of a bad sleep, little food and new places made me break down and I felt safe to do it in her arms. She's soft and warm and smells like lavender and honey. "Oh my baby, I've missed you so much."

"I missed you too." I whimper, releasing myself from her grip and seeking Roman, he responds to my need and wraps me in his embrace. My brain is a little overwhelmed and his form swallows me so I can forget for a few seconds.

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