Chapter 36: Roman Hayes

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I'm in and out of sleep for a few hours, missing the comfort that Peyton brings. The front door opens and soft murmurings start and I roll my eyes, like I can even sleep without her. I head down in just my boxers because I don't care who is here and I'm hoping to attract my woman to stay for more than five minutes.

When I reach the bottom floor I find Peyton, another woman, a child and Hunter. "Hi honey, I didn't think you'd still be awake." I kiss the top of her head and rest on the island beside her. "This is my friend Marielle and her daughter Gemma, they're gonna be here for a few days while I set them up a new house. Guys, this is Reign."

I nod at them, still half out of it and rub my eyes. "We should all get some sleep, it's late." Hunter sets up on the pull out couch and I give him a confused look. I'll ask tomorrow about why the fuck he's here, I can't be fucked right now.

We follow Peyton up the stairs and Marielle and Gemma head into the guest room while I retake my space in our room. As soon as the door is closed behind Peyton, I turn to her, watching as she changes into one of my shirts and hops into bed beside me. "Hopefully we'll actually be able to sleep now."

"I'm sorry, we lead hectic lives." She giggles softly and squeezes me tighter, "Now sleep, dummy. You're exhausted."


"Wake up, wake up, wake up." I can feel her straddling my abdomen and jumping up and down excitedly. "Come on! You've been sleeping for eleven hours and I want attention." I roll her over and bury my head in her neck, fully intending to go back to sleep. "No, don't go back to sleep."

She bites my shoulder and forces me off of her. "Fine, I'll go hang out with Runner." Just as she reaches the edge of the bed, I tackle her to the bed and tickle her. Filling the room with squeals of laughter. "Good morning, lovely!" She's able to force out breathlessly a few seconds after I finish tickling her.

"Morning, baby." I kiss her deeply before releasing her, dragging a whine from her. "You are very clingy today." I state as she basically wraps herself around my arm.

"Is that a bad thing?" She pouts slightly and I find myself cooing her, pressing another kiss to her skin. I bring her into my lap and smile at her as she relaxes under my touch. "Seeing Mari and her husband made me even more grateful for you. You'd never hurt me."

"Never." I pull her closer, pressing her entire body against me and brushing her hair back from her face. "I love you."

"I love you." A kiss later turns into a full make out session and just as we get to the good part, somebody knocks at the door and I groan softly.

"I swear I never get you alone for long enough nowadays." She clambers off from under me and swings open the door, Hunter appearing on the other side.

"Marielle asked if she could go shopping, I'm happy to take them if I can borrow your car." She quickly forks over the keys and dives back into bed with me.

"Looks like you get me all to yourself... what do you fancy doing?" Her voice is mischievous as she stands in front of me in one of my shirts and her messy hair slung over her shoulder. 

"You." She laughs and accepts my kiss, I struggle to kiss her considering she's smiling so much so I drag my lips down her neck, suckling behind her ear and nipping at her earlobe. She squirms slightly so I lower more of my weight down on her to stop her fidgeting. "I got you a present."

"Hmm?" I reach into the bedside table and procure the cuffs I stole from the cops the other night. Her eyes light up before narrowing, she drags me back down into a vicious kiss acquiring the cuffs for herself while her tongue caresses mine. "You haven't earned the cuffs yet, baby." She whispers, placing them on the bedside table and wrapping her legs around my waist.

"Oh, really." I snatch them back and latch them onto one of her wrists, passing the other through one of the posts on the bed frame before tightening the cuff on her other wrist. I push the shirt up to reveal everything, chuckling softly as she shivers and goosebumps appear on her skin.

I kiss her most recent bullet wound before licking over old scars and stretch marks, enjoying her mewls and moans as she arches into me, reacting to every breath. I hear her pull on the cuffs a few times in her desperation to touch me, 

"Roman, please." I like hearing her beg so I nip at her thighs but stop her hips from leaving the bed, keeping her away from the friction she's begging for. "Oh you are such a tease, just wait until I'm in control." Her feisty growl turns me on even more so I give up on the teasing and drive my tongue over her slit.

"Thank God." She groans and shudders.

"He's not here right now, it's just me." I blow on her clit and she hisses softly, yanking at the cuffs again, writhing when she realises she can't move unless I let her. I drive my tongue over her a few more times before pushing a finger in, her squeak of surprise bringing a chuckle out of me. I slip another finger in as she grinds mindlessly against my hand and face.

She reaches her orgasm and her eyes roll back into her head as she calls out my name with fervour, shivering and writhing softly on the come down. Just as an aftershock hits her, I drive into her and cause her to jackknife as far as her bound hands will let her. 

"Yes." Her content sigh drives me harder as I pull out to push back in again, this time slowly, agitating her.

Her legs fight to tighten around me as her pussy clenches tight around me. "Patience." I whisper in her ear, as I continue torturing her with gentle touches and featherlight kisses. Slow thrusts and a tight grip on her hip and chin drives her absolutely mad until I hit her g-spot so hard she convulses, shouting my name and a loud 'fuck'.

Her orgasm triggers mine and I fall on top of her, breathing heavily while continuing to bite, lick and kiss her during her aftershocks.

I guess I got her alone for long enough.

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