Chapter 48: Roman Hayes

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Dinner was standard. We got a little rowdy and excitable so got kicked out because quite a few people complained about the noise we were making. We really haven't learned our lesson, so we went to a posher restaurant than our type of people fit in at; we were fucked from the beginning.

Besides we get kicked out of places all the time, outcasts aren't really wanted at the dinner table. They expect us to eat from silver bowls on the floor but forget that we provide protection for them, many gangs don't set up in town because we stop them. 

We may be one percenters but we don't cause trouble in town unless we're desperate.

The Fire Demons and HR are our only in town beef, we have a few tension spots elsewhere but as long as no one says anything to them we normally live in relative peace. With Peyton now here we have a truce with the Fire Demons and HR are down to their last legs since we've taken many of their high ranking officers and taken out the low levels.

They can't last much longer.

"Stop thinking deep thoughts." Peyton pokes my cheek from her place beside me on the couch. When we got back from dinner we just changed into pyjamas and settled here to watch a few movies. Peyton is still hyper from her consumption of sugar and I want to spend time with her so we decided to stay up late.

As we get through the third movie of the night, coming up on three am, the emergency alarms ring on our phones, my bike and her car which we can hear through the walls. We dive straight to the bedroom and haphazardly throw some clothes on, tossing each other weapons as we head towards the driveway.

I slide onto my bike and Peyton slips on behind me, gripping my waist as I torque the engine to reach the clubhouse in seconds. Cars are on fire, rotters are screaming and hang arounds are running about like idiots. HR officers are raging against the windows with blunt weapons and semi-automatic rifles.

Our men are still inside, preparing to handle a full attack and Peyton and I are about to be caught up in it with no back up. "Kill the engine!" I immediately do as she says, thanking the Gods that the noise they were making covered the noise of my bike. She drags me towards the back of the building, using the burning cars as cover before we reach through the window.

She dives in and swiftly deflects an attack from Bear, "It's me, chill out." She whispers harshly and watches as I follow through behind her. "I didn't think they had it in them but at least it'll be over tonight." She rubs her hands together in gleeful excitement, "I cannot wait for a decent night's sleep."

"Let's fucking kill them." Lexie growls viciously and we all look at her in astonishment, this is our Queen, bared-teeth, ready to tear some throat out in protection of her people. Shame, she's about to be locked in her bedroom and she's definitely gonna throw a hissy fit so big the second that door is shut. The sentiment is sweet though.

"Okay, Lex." Bear rubs her arm gently before starting to deploy his soldiers. Sharpshooters to the roof, semi-automatics by the door, Lex locked in her room with Gears and everyone else has dispersed to catch any people trying to get passed to Lex.

"Reign, Saviour. I'm going to ask the most from you right now." We look to our Prez who has moved us away from the rest of them. "I want you both to go out there and thin the numbers as much as you can."

He has chosen us for the front-line, we have to fight through as many of them as possible before letting them get anywhere near the door. We nod, accepting our place as Enforcers and head towards the front of the building. "I love you." My voice is soft as I reach for her hand so that we can do our secret handshake.

"I love you, too." After the handshake is completed, I bring her in for a rough kiss, putting all of my fear and love into one and searing her with my touch. "Don't die on me."

"Only if you don't die on me."

We both slip through the front door and separate, knowing we'll be easier to target if we stay together. Peyton whistles lowly three times which means she's clocked thirty targets and I respond with one, we have around forty people and we need to thin it down to at least half to give the others a better chance.

Stealth is probably the best way to go for the beginning, the more people we can take out before the others realise means the less likely we're going to catch a bullet. Thankfully, Peyton thinks the same as she sneaks up behind the closest target and drives her blade into his throat, letting him drop to the ground like a puppet with its strings cut.

I garrotte mine and crouch down behind the body as one of his friends spins around to look. Shit, I'm gonna get caught. I hear a quiet groan and I peek around the body that I'm hiding behind and sigh in relief to see Peyton crouched over the body. 'You're an idiot.' She mouths before blowing me a kiss.

That's only like the tenth time she's saved my life.

I jump over the small wall and prowl towards my next target, this time I just stab him because it's quicker and I'm pretty sure I'm in competition with my Old Lady right now and I'm taking her up on the bet. I doubt I'll win considering but still.

She drops two guys from on top of a fucking car and my jaw drops, how am I ever supposed to win? She winks at me and flips off to land on another guy.

Oh, two can play at this game.

I grab two guys and snap one's neck while stomping on the head of the other and when I look up to see if Peyton saw, she's preoccupied with three guys. This is ridiculous.

I sprint over and drop the one closest to me as she shoots one in the head - thank God for mufflers - and shanks the other with glass she picked up from the floor. "You're getting slow." She declares, brushing off my shoulder before lobbing a knife to lodge into some guy's carotid.

"I will win, baby. I promise." I flip her behind me and shoot the next guy in the line, while she grabs one between her legs and rolls him under her. She drives a blade through his brain before stealing one of his grenades.

"Nah, I'm gonna drop six at once." She pulls the pin with her teeth, looking extremely sexy whilst doing so, before throwing it to hit the truck on the other side of the road surrounded by a few men most likely discussing strategy.

It goes up it a plume of smoke, killing six guys and I roll my eyes.

She's such a show off.

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