Chapter 33: Peyton Lennox

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I stumble out of the room assigned to me in my joggers and one of Roman's tops with my hair in a messy bun. I stare blankly at the hallway as I try and recall where the fuck the kitchen is. I was so drunk last night that I'm grateful I was even able to get changed and I get my makeup off before I went to sleep.

Now that is an achievement if I've ever heard one.

I decide to wing it and turn left down the ornate hallway with lofted ceilings and decorated with actual gold and massive bouquets of roses. Wow, these people are boujie, they've been holding out on me. Lying bastards. I knew they were minted but I didn't know it was to this extent, I really need to pay more attention.

I meet a dead end and glare at the large oil painting of some old woman like she'll tell me the directions to the food if I stare hard enough.

For fuck sake.

I hold in a frustrated groan and spin on my heels, taking the other direction and hoping for the best. For all I know I could be in a whole different house to the food and that would be a major issue.

"Success!" I holler as I finally find the staircase after ten minutes of walking aimlessly and actually walking into a wall. Proud of me. I skip down the stairs with excitement but stop short when I reach the middle landing. I look up and see a massive crystal chandelier that probably cost more than everything I've ever owned. Jesus Christ, they must've robbed the Queen or something, this is ridiculous.

I reach the bottom floor and slip and slide on the tile in my socks into each room. I slide passed a library, the dining room - I checked, there was no food in there - the formal lounge room and the fucking pool. Still no closer to the kitchen where I'm hoping there's food. This journey would not have been worth it if there's no end reward.

Plus I need the energy to go back and get my bag which I stupidly left in my room on the other side of this maze. Maybe I can get someone to walk me there and back.

"There you are, we've been looking for you." Lucia startles me and I spin around to glare at her.

"You've been looking for me? Are you kidding? I've been walking around for half an hour, saw no signs of life nor food. What the hell?" She rolls her eyes at my dramatics and loops her arm through mine, pulling me through the dining room and a secret fucking door into the kitchen. This is unreal. "Have you seen Runner? I lost him at some point last night."

"Yeah, he's at Posie's house. She'll drop him off later when she's finished with him." I nod in agreement before helping myself to a large plate of food that'll be clear in minutes and then refilled. The butler guy called Roger passes me a cup of tea and I thank him, basically chugging the stuff.

Lucia, while I'm halfway through my third plate of bacon, decides she wants to help me get ready for the day saying that she 'doesn't want my man to see me like this.' I take offence to that because I look hot in the 'I don't give a fuck' look.

I grab a handful of bacon and follow along behind her since I still don't have a clue where I'm going. I mean she printed me a map and everything while I just stared at it in dumbfounded confusion. Nobody should have a house that's big enough to need a map. I had to walk like two miles for food, imagine if you really needed to pee but the bathroom is on a different planet.

I explain my opinions to Lucia who just brushes them off saying that they deserve to have such a nice house because they've earned it. I agree with that and continue cramming bacon in my face as she talks about her latest purchase of a Louis Vuitton handbag.

She pushes me into my room and begins digging through my bag for an outfit. She's lucky I even packed another one, I normally just bring my slob clothes because they're easy to wear and comfy.

"Ah ha!" She cheers when her hands wrap around the spare clothes. She sighs in disappointment when she finds it's just a pair of jeans and a white, strapless top. "I'll be back."

"Okay, Arnie, bring snacks I ran out of bacon." I head into the bathroom and take a quick shower avoiding getting my hair wet because it takes too long and I cannot be bothered. I wash my face and brush my teeth, I glance at my messy bun and decide to leave it the way it is.

I repeat: I cannot be bothered.

When I get back to the bedroom, I find Lucia stood at the end of my bed with makeup, a weird looking chain thing and a Gucci belt. What is happening? "Get dressed, I wanna do your makeup, hair and accessories since we haven't done it in years."

I debate arguing with her, I could easily do so but that seems like so much effort. Plus she brought me Krispy Kremes to bribe me and I'm a sucker for a good doughnut. I do as told and allow her to flutter about as she slips the belt on me and attaches the chain to the front two belt loops allowing it to hang down slightly, the silver circles reflect the light and I respect the boujie she has bestowed on me.

For makeup, she makes it very pink and light with a little more blush and highlighter than I'd usually go for but I look cute so I allow it. She slips on a fake nose ring and tells me yet again that I should actually get it done, I've said that I would so many times but I just haven't. Then she decides to tackle the mane that my hair has tangled itself into and I wish her luck, it's my hair and I've yet to know how to deal with it.

She takes it all down and runs her fingers through it, her hands slick with some sort of gel and plays around with it until it's to her liking. She then takes the top half and puts it in this cute little bun, leaving out a few hairs to frame my face and bunching up the curls left out. I kinda look like an edgy e-girl and I'm here for it. "Let's get you back to your man before you ruin my masterpiece."

"Can I bring the doughnuts?"

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